Name : Mahmoud Zuhair Karmi Professor of
Surgical Neurology at Jordan University Hospital (Previously)
Nationality : Jordanian (Irish Passport)
Date Of Birth : 31 December 1946
Family Status : Married With 4 Children
Wife - Lorraine Daughter - Hana Son - Zuhair Daughter - Azza Son
- Adam
Interests : Sports, Reading and Music
- UndergraduatePrimary School, Intermediate
School,Secondary School, High School,(Grade Excellent With
- MedicalA
.Medical SchoolFaculty Of Medicine,
AlexandriaUniversityDate Of EnterJune 1965Date Of GraduationJuly
1971B.Teaching HospitalAlexandria University
TeachingHospitalsC.DistinctionsGrade Very Good With Honour
Degree.Grade Excellent in Anatomy andPhysiology.Anatomy
Demonstrator For 1st and 2ndYear Medical
- Qualifications & Post – Graduate Degrees
MB CHB July 1971
Primary FRCS January 1975
American Examination &
Certificate (ECFMG) July 1975
Final FRCS May 1977 (London, England)
Certificate Of Neurosurgery, 1980 (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Edinburgh University, Scotland
Previous Appointments
University Hospital Sept 71-Aug 72
6 Months in Medicine
6 Months in Surgery
Kuwait Nov 72-Nov73
In Pediatrics
Dec 73-Apr 74
In Neurosurgery Conventry, England
Warwickshire Jun75- Dec 75
In Orthopedics Hospital, England
Conventy, Dec 75-Jun 76
In General Surgery
Rugby, Jun 76-Aug76
Hospital Aug 76-Jul77
GENERAL SURGERY Banbury, Oxfordshire,
Hospital & Aug 77-Jan 81
NEUROLOGY Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh,
Duties in the Department of Surgical Neurology, Western
General Hospital included Outpatient Clinics operating theatres,
duties in the Head and Spinal Injury Unit, Royal Infirmary, and
ward rounds in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh.
Teaching medical students, anatomy demonstrations for
doctors, studying and preparing for primary FRCS, participating
in the Surgical Neurology Department Meetings.
Work in research on microvascular anastomosis in rats win
the Teaching and Research Centre, Wesdtern General Hospital,
Edinburgh until December 1980.
Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor in Surgical Neurology at the University
of Jordan form February 1st, 1981.
- Associate Professor in Surgical Neurology from June 3rd,
1984, to December 2nd, 1989.
- Full Professor in Surgical Neurology from December 3rd,
- Professor joint appointment in the Department of Medical
Post-Graduate Studies at the Post-Graduate School, Jordan
University, December 17th, 1989.
Present Appointment
of Neurosurgical Unit March 1990 to date Surgical Services
Dhahran Health Center
Career Plans
- To work in University Hospital and to be involved in
academic teaching and research activities.
- Pediatric Neurosurgery.
Awards And Honours
- Medal of Distinction, Alexandria University1865
- Medal of Distinction, Alexandria University1967
- Medal of Distinction and Honour Degree, Alexandria
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
- Member of Society of British Paraplegia.
- Jordan Medical Association.
- Society of British Neurosurgeons.
- Jordanian Neuro-Sciences Society.
- President of Ibn-Siena Cerebral Palsy Society (1984 -
- Member of the Middle East Society for Neurosurgeons.
- Member of the World Federation for Neurosurgeons.
- Member of the Scientific Research Committee, University of
Jordan 1984 – 19851985 – 19861986 – 1987
- Chairman and Rapporteur, Scientific Research Committee,
School Of Medicine, University Of Jordan. 1988-1989.
- Member of Jordan University Council Representative of
School of Medicine 1988-1989.
- Member and Examiner in Neurosurgery for the Jordanian Board
Certificate. Since 1984.
- Rapporteur of the University and Society Interaction
Committee, School Of Medicine, University Of Jordan. 1988-1989.
Continuous Medical Education
- Attended American Neurosurgical Conference, Chicago,
- Instructor in Anatomy for Candidates Studying For FRCS,
"Pfiezer Post-Graduate Institute", The Royal College
Of Surgeons of Edinburgh.1979-1980
- Attended American Neurosurgical Conference, Las Vegas,
- Attended the 4th Workshop on Medical Education,
Amman, Jordan.11/9/82 - 25/9/82
- Presented A Paper "The Role Of Hyperventilation In
Severely Head Injured Children" Jordanian Surgical
- Presented A Paper "Acupuncture Treatment Of Pain
1983". Jordanian Surgical Society1983
- Presented A Paper "Management Of Back Pain",
Jordanian Surgical Society.1983
- Attended the European Neurosurgical Conference, Brussels,
- Presented A Paper " The Role Of Hyperventilation In
Severely Head Injured Children", 3rd Pan –
Arab Neuro – Science Conference, Amman, Jordan.May 1984
- Organizer for the Combined Pan – Arab European Course in
1984 Neurosurgery, Amman, Jordan.
- Presented A Paper "Role Traffic Accidents in
Jordan" At Conference on Accident and Trauma, Amman,
- Attended the 8th International Neurosurgical
Conference, Toronto, Canada.1985
- Attended the Workshop on Planning and Leading A Group
Discussion, School Of Medicine, Amman, Jordan.14/10/85 -
- Attended the Workshop on Constructing Examination Questions
for Medical Students, School Of Medicine, Amman, Jordan.1985
- Attended the Workshop on Written Simulation: Patient
Management Problem, School Of Medicine, Amman, Jordan.7/5/85 -
- Attended the Conference on Dyslexiain in Venice, Italy.1986
- Presented papers On "Intracranial Haemorrhage and
A.V.M. for Jordanian Neuro – Sciences Society.Dec 1987
- Presented A paper on " Craniosynostosis" For the
Pediatric Doctors Society, Amman, Jordan.Jul 1987
- Participation in Seminars Arranged by the Jordanian Neuro
– Sciences Society, Amman, Jordan.Since 1983
- Lectures, Seminars and Group Discussions on Cerebral Palsy,
Back Pain, And Headache for Societies outside the
- Participation on the Workshop on Biostatistics by J.U. and
John Hopkins Instituations.Sep. 1989
- Participation in Lectures and Teaching Activities. Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran Health Center, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.Mar 1990
- Attended Conference and Workshop on Spinal Instrumentation
Saudi Arabia.Oct. 1991
- Attended The Seminar Presentation Of Neurological Surgeons
Conference, "AANS", San Francisco, USA April 1992
- Attended Neuro- Interventional Conference in Riyadh.Oct
- Attended The American Association Of Neurological
Surgeons,"AANS", San Diego, USA April 1994
- Course On Stereotactic and Gamma Knife Surgery, Stockholm,
Sweden.Aug 1995
- Attended The Second Neuro interventional Conference in
RiyadhMarch 1996
- Skull base and Microvascular surgery Workshop St. Louis,
USA.March 1996
- Gamma Knife training At Amman Gamma Knife Center Ibn
Al-Haytham Hospital, Amman, Jordan. June 1996
- Gamma Knife Training At Karolina institue Stockholm –
Sweden Three months, and Functional Stereotaxy for abnormal
movements. Sep. 1996
- Attended and Participated in the Third Neuro Interventional
Conference in Riyadh. March 1997
- Attended the 11th International Congress of
Neurological Surgery Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 1997
- Performed with invited guests from Sweden for the first
time in Jordan Pollidotowin and Thalamotomies "Prof. B.
Meyerson" and Participated in lectures, seminars and
workshops in Amman – Jordan. April / May 1997
- Speaker on gamma knife and Stereotactic Surgery for local
conferences Amman Jordan, Beyroth Lebanon, Riyadh Saudi Arabia,
Baghdad Iraq Abu Dhabi UAE, Cairo Egypt. Sep.1997 - June 1998
- Attended workshops, operations STN stimulation with IPG
battery implantation "Medtronic" for Parkinson’s
patients in Austria, France and Holland. Jan. 1999
- Participated in seminars and lectures and Performed the
first STN stimulation and IPG battery implantation in the area
with Professor B. Meyerson.May 1999
- Participated as lecturer and chairman in the orthopedic
conference held in Amman – Jordan. Sep.1999
Presented Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, Spinal cord tumors,
functional Stereotactic in Jordan.
- Mandelow AD, Karmi MZ, Paul KS, Fuller GA,
Gillingham FJ:Extradural Haematoma: Effect of delayed
treatment.B.M.J. Vol., PP 1240 – 1242, 1979.
- Harris P, Karmi MZ, McClemont E, Mathhoko D, Paul
KS:The prognosis of patients sustaining sever cervical spine
injury.International Paraplegia Journal, Vol. 18 (3): PP 240 –
330, 1980.
- Hitchcock ER and Karmi MZ:Central nervous system
sports injuries:Journal of Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh, Vol. 27, PP 46 - 49,January 1982.
- Karmi MZ, Al-Maani W and Khammash H:Spinal and
cranial dysraphism in Jordan.Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 17, 1983.
- Karmi MyZ:Benign intracranial cystsJor. Med.
Journal, Vol. 17, 1983.
- Quryouti S, Karmi MZ, et al:Reconstructive
procedures in spinal dysraphism: Experience in JordanUniversity
Hospital. Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 19 (1): PP 15 - 26, 1985.
- Al–Maani WS, Khammash H, Karmi MZ and Khuri
BN:Intracranial abscesses. Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 19 (1): PP 41
- 50, 1985.
- Murshidi MS, Al-Maani WS, Karmi MZ:Computerized
tomography of renal stones.Dirasat ZII (10): PP 155 - 161,
October 1985.
- Amer S., Karmi MZ et al:Intracranial neoplasmas in
Jordan.Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 20 (1): PP 56 - 80, May 1987.
- Al-Maani, Ws, Awidi AS and Karmi MZ:Factor VIII R.
AG as a prognostic parameter in intracranial haemorrhageJournal
of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Vol. 50: PP 214 -
- Shaheen O, Saleh G, Karmi MZ et al:Therapeutic drug
monitoring of anti–epileptics in Jordanians.Current
Therapeutic Research, Vol. 43 (5): PP 991 - 996, May 1988.
- El–Karmi A, Karmi MZ et al:A Markov process based
model of the neurotransmitter–receptor bindingprocess in the
brain, Drug Design and Delivery Journal, Vol. 3: PP 69 -
- Shaheen O, Karmi MZ et al:Utilization of sedatives
and hypnotic at Jordan University Hospital.Dirasat XV (4): PP 34
- 44, 1988.
- Karmi MZ and Herzallah M:Thoracic Outlet
Syndrome.Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 22 (2): PP 165 - 173, Nov 1988.
- Sorjieh A and Karmi MZ:Abdominal wass mas: A
complication of Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.Jor. Med. Journal,
Vol. 22 (2): PP 189 - 193, Nov 1988.
- El-Karmi A, Karmi MZ et al:A status report on
artificial hearts: Their Significance, types and problemsJor.
Med. Journal, Vol. 23 (1): May 1989.
- Shaheen O, Karmi MZ, Dahdaleh M et al:Comparative
bioavailability of two brands of Carbamazepine.Current
Therapeutic Research, Vol. 45, No. 4: PP 517 – 524, April
- Karmi MZ and Quaryouti S:Sever craniofaial injuries
during repair of automobile tyre.Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 23, No.
2: PP 205 – 212, November 1989.
- Salamah M, Karmi MZ et al:Congenti Factor VIII
deficienty causing spontaneous intracranialhaemorrhage in a term
newborn.Proceedings of American Society of Pediatric Haematology
/ Oncology,Vol. 1, 1992.
- Couillard P, Karmi MZ et al:Microsurgical removal of
intraventricular meningioma with ultrasoundguidance, and balloon
dilatation of operative Corridors. SurgicalNeurology, Vol. 45
(2), PP 153 - 160. Feb. 1996.
- Couillard P., Karmi MZ Intra operative Ultra Sound
in Neurosurgery: Current Practice.Neurochirurige, 1996, 42, n 2,
91 - 94.
- Couillard P., Karmi MZ, Al Akkad S.: Endoscopic
removal of retainedVentricular Catheters with a Bronchoscope
Forceps.Accepted To the Journal of Neurosurgery, April 1996.
- Karmi MZ, Couillard P.: Anterior fontanelle
encephalocele (case report and review of the literature)Jordan
Med. Journal, Vol. 32, No.2. PP: 104 - 107. November. 1998.
- El Karmi A, and Karmi MZ:The application of Project
management techniques In surgical operations:Jor. Med. Journal,
Vol. 32, No. 1 PP: 7 - 15. May 1998.
- El Karmi A, Karmi MZ:Outcome prediction in
craniofacial synostosis.Jor. Med. Journal, Vol. 32, No.1 PP: 39
- 45. May 1998.
- Amr S, Couillard P, Karmi MZ.Microcystic Meningioma,
case report and review of literaturessubmitted for publication.
- Amr S., Karmi MZ, Couillard P: Clear CellMeningioma
at the foramen magnum.Submitted for publication.
- Abdelkader AM, Couillard P., Karmi MZ: Comparison of
MagneticResonance angiography with traditional anagiography for
pre-operativeplanning in Neurosurgery.Submitted to Diagnostic
Imaging, March 1996.