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Nisreen .M.K. Al wafai

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Nisreen .M.K. Al wafai

Dubai , United Arab Emirates



 Date of Birth   : August 10th, 1981

Nationality : Jordanian

Marital status :Married 

Languages Known:


Arabic (Speaking, Reading, Writing).

English (Speaking, Reading, Writing).


Educational Qualification:

 University: 1999 – 2003.

Jordan University of Science & Technology (J.U.S.T.).

Bachelor degree in Nutrition & Food Technology

Work Experience:

-          Working with doctor saed hejaze (research department) in Jordan university science and technology (iron deficiency) as collected information and admission the data base from 1/1/2004 to 28/3/2004.

-          Make research with queen rania al Abdullah center response by WHOM     about (water pollution and its effect on children diarrhea) from 1/6/2005 to 24/6/2005.

-          Worked as nutritionist in irbid specialized hospital from 1/8/2004 to 24/6/2005.

-          Take courses in laser (dermatology) and worked as dermatology technician  in irbid specialized hospital from 1/8/2004 to 8/8/2006.


-          Worked as nutritionist in Amman Al jazeera hospital specialized from 6/1/2007 to 1/6/2008.

-          Worked as dermatology technician (ellipse light laser, peeling crystal, mesotherapy) in Paris center from 1/6/2008 to 1/8/2009



Changing food behavior                         by: Nisreen .M.K. Al wafai


Breaking Old Links: strategies for changing food behavior

Old habit die hard .they are never easy to change but , in the case of undesirable eating behaviors that contribute to excess body fat and are harmful to health , are worth the effort . Here are some behavioral suggestions.

First deal with behavioral cues

Eliminate as many cues for the problem behavior as possible. Avoid situation and contacts associated with problem behavior as difficult reach, and make the problem behavior as difficult as possible. Freeze leftovers, remove problem food items from the kitchen or store them in hard-to-

Get places, and take a route other than by the familiar bakery or candy

Shop Home.

Suppress the cues that can't be entirely eliminated. Control social situations that maintain the behavior, reward he alternate desired behavior, have a trusted person monitor eating patterns, minimize contact with excessive food, use smaller plates to make smaller food portions appear larger, control "poor me" moods with positive non-food "treat" activities or physical activity.

Strengthen cues for desirable behavior. Collect information and guides for a wide array of appropriate food choices and amounts. Use food behavior aids (e.g., records, a diary, or a journal). Distribute appropriate foods in desirable food behavior as attractive and good-tasting as possible.

Next deal with actual food behavior in response to cues

Slow the pace of eating _Take one bite at a time and place utensil on the plate between bites. Chew each bite slowly. Sip a beverage. Consciously plan bits of conversation wit meal companies for between bites. Delay starting the meal when first seated. Visualize eating in slow motion. Enhance the social aspect of eating.

Savor the food-Eat slowly, sensing the taste, smell, and texture of the food. Develop and practice these sensory feelings to the extent that they can be described and brought to mind afterward. Look for food seasonings and combination that will enhance this process and bring to mind positive feelings about the food experience.

Finally deal with the follow-up Behavior that Result

Decelerate the problem behavior. Slow down its frequency, and respond neutrally when it occurs rather than with negative talk or thoughts. Give social reinforcement to the decreasing number times the problem behavior is occurring. Focus on the ultimate consequences of the undesirable behavior in health problems.

Accelerate the desired behavior. Update the progress records or personal journal daily. Respond positively to all desired behavior; provide some sort of material social reinforcement for all constructive efforts to modify behavior.

Such a program requires effort and motivation and work. Continuously evaluate progress toward desired behavior goals. Then plan individual or group maintenance and support activities during an extended follow-up period.

How to apply behavior modification strategies to weight loss.

1. To eliminate in inappropriate eating cues:

* Buy foods that are low in fat.

* Shop when you are not hunger.

* Serve low fat meals.

* Let other family members buy, store, and serve their own sweets (monitor children's intakes). 

* Change channels or look away when food commercials appear on television.

* Shop only from a list and stay away from convenience store.

* Carry appropriate snacks from home and avoid vending machines.

2. To suppress the cues you cannot eliminate:

* Eat only in one place (at a table), and in one room use plates, bowls, and eating utensils.

* Clear plates directly into the garbage.

* create obstacles to the eating of problem food (for example, make it necessary to unwrap, cook, and serve each on separately).

* Minimize contact with excessive food (serve individual plate, do not put serving dishes on the table, and leave or clean the table when you have finished eating).

* Make small portion of food look large by spreading food out and serving on small plates.

* Control deprivation (eats regular meal, don’t skip meals, avoid getting tired, and avoid boredom by keeping cues to fun activities in sight).


3. To strengthen the cues to appropriate eating and exercise: 


* Encourage other to eat appropriate food with you.

* Keep your favorite appropriate food in the front of the refrigerator.

* learn appropriate portion sizes and prepare on portion at a time.

* establish specific times for meal and snacks.

* prepare food attractively.

4. To engage in desired eating or exercise behavior:

* Eat only at planned time; plan not to eat after a specified time (say, 7:00)

* Slow down (pause several times during a meal, put down utensils between mouthfuls, chew thoroughly before swallowing (swallow before reloading the fork, always use utensils).

* Leave some food on plate.

*Engage in no other activities while eating (such as reading or watching television).

* Move more (shake a leg, pace, fidget, flex your muscles).

* Join in and exercise with a group of active people.

5. To arrange or emphasize negative consequence of inappropriate eating;

* Eat meal with other people.

* Ask that others neutrally when you deviate from your plan (make no comment). This is a negative consequence because it withholds attention.

* If you slip, don’t punish yourself.

6. To arrange or emphasize positive consequence of appropriate behavior:

* Update records of food intake, exercise, and weight change regularly.

* Arrange for rewards for each unit of behavior change or weight loss.

* Ask family and friend for reinforcement (praise and encouragement).



For more information and advices for your health please contact me at my E-mail.

I am available upon request.