Member of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
Member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
Member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
Dr. med. Safwat Al-Dineh studied and graduated at the medical
Faculty in Bonn university/ Germany, later completed his
neurosurgical specialty and continued as neurosurgical
specialist at the Jung-Stilling Hospital in Siegen/ Germany till
His doctoral theses was intramedullary spinal tumors: diagnosis
and Therapy from the university of Ulm/ Germany.
We present you Experience of over 20 years in Germany and the
Arabic world as consultant microneurosurgeon.
The Issues/ Diseases where we will be happy to serve are:
- Brain tumors, including intra- or extra axial, benign or
malignant like Gliomas, Meningeomas, Neurinomas, AVM's….etc.
- Skull and spinal Fractures, acute or chronic
- Degenerative spinal Diseases like Discprolapse or spinal canal
stenosis at the cervical, dorsal or lumbar spine.
- Degenerative spinal fractures due to osteoporoses where
Vetebroplasty Or Kyphoplasty is indicated.
- Microscopical Discprolapse treatment: Discotomies in the
lumbar/ dorsal region and Discectomies in the cervical region as
well as spinal fusion and Fixation with pedicular screws and
- Pain Therapy including thalamic, trigeminal or herpetic pain
through DBS, morphinpump implantation or rhizolysis / DREZ of
the nerves
- Treatment of peripheral nerve entrapment like CTS or cubital
- Treatment of neural system infections
- Diagnostic of small or deep seated Brain tumors using
- Removal of pituitary Gland tumors via nose –transnasal
/ transsphenoidal
- therapy of upper limbs paralysis by infants and small children
due to Delivery failure
- Hydrocephalus therapy through shunt implantation or endoscopic
third ventriculostomy
- Congenital neurological deformities of the newborns