Dr. Nadia Abu Sabrah
MD, High Degree Specialty in Community medicine
Assistant Director of Chest Disease Directorate
Deputy, NTP Manager
Mobile: +962 799070668
Telefax: +9626 5520177
P.O.BOX :664 11118
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2000 |
Advanced course in Higher
Ministry of Health, Amman-Jordan. |
1998 |
High Specialty Degree in
Community Medicine and MCH
Faculty of Medicine,
Jordan University
of Science and Technology |
1982 |
M.D Degree,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Alexandria-EYGPT
2005– ongoing
Assistance Director of
Directorate of Chest Disease and Manager of National
Tuberculosis Program,
Head of Tuberculosis
Head of IMCI Division
/National IMCI Coordinator/Ministry of Health
2004- ongoing
Integrated management of
childhood Illness (IMCI), National coordinator- Head of
the IMCI Division ,Jordanian Ministry of Health, with
the following tasks:
Develop workplan and timetable for implementation
of IMCI activities
Supervise the implementation of the IMCI
activities to ensure optimal quality.
Production of evaluation reports on the findings
of the supervision visits.
IMCI materials (manuals, charts, guidelines, IEC materials)
Preparation, Adaptation, Designing, &Printing.
Release of the national trainers to conduct the
training programme of the IMCI as per training
Production of evaluation report on the training
workshops describing the output and the participants'
Arrange field monitoring visits to each IMCI implementing center and
produce Evaluation reports on the finding of the
supervision visits.
Develop monthly and annual report on the IMCI implementation for the
whole of governorates.
IMCI Data collection, data analysis, and report writing
10-Regular reporting of IMCI activities to the
Information Directorate of MOH and UNICEF
11-Report to CAH EMRO on country information of the IMCI
implementation and coverage at all levels (governorates,
districts, health facilities, population…….etc.
12-Coordination and Facilitation of IMCI Workshops
Course director for the
different IMCI training courses (IMCI CM, District
planning, orientation workshops for key persons,
Follow-up After training courses …….
2000- ongoing |
Assistance Manager
of practical approach to lung health (PAL) -
Jordanian Ministry of
Health, |
2003 |
Acute Respiratory
Infection programme manager-Jordanian
Ministry of Health,
Tuberculosis and Chest
Disease Division. |
1981 - 1986
Chest Diseases physician
Ministry of Health, Tuberculosis and Chest Disease Division. |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Inter-Country Training Workshop on Research
Methods for Tuberculosis and Other Communicable
Diseases, Emro, Cairo, 13-22 October 2002. |
Participants, Inter-Country Meeting on Scaling up the integrated
Management of Child Health (IMCI) Strategy in the
Countries Implementing IMCI in the Eastern Mediterranean
Region, Hamamat, Tunisia 1-4 September 2003.
Participant, IMCI Training course on National CM held at El Ramel Ped.
Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, From 26/6 – 7/7 2004 |
Participant, Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation, organized by
UNICEF, 16-18 January, 2005 |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Inter-Country Workshop on IMCI Community
Component, Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran 24-27 July
2005 |
Speakers on country experience on Electronic Registration System (ENRS)
implementation, 36 Union World Conference on Lung Health
Paris France 18- 22 October 2005 |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Second Inter-country Workshop on Child Health
Policy, Cairo, Egypt 13-16 November 2005
Participant, Third Regional Child Feeding Counselling Training Course
, Aswan, Egypt 17-22 December, 2005 |
Participant, WHO IMCI Facilitator course, for Jordanian IMCI team.
WHO/EMRO, 15-19 January 2006
WHO Temporary Advisor, Inter-Country Training
Workshop on Advocacy, Communication And Social
Mobilization for TB control in Countries of the
Eastern Mediterranean Region, Islamabad Pakistan
21-24 February 2006 |
Course director and Facilitator,1st IMCI CM training course
for Nurses, 23-27 April, 2006, Al Balqa Governorate,
Jordan |
Course co-director, First IMCI CM training course for Jordanian
physicians, 17-28 June 2006, Al Balqa Governorate,
Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 2nd IMCI CM training
course for Nurses, 7-10 August, 2006, Al Balqa
Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Regional Consultation on IMCI Pre-Service
Training, JW Mariott Hotel, Cairo 27-31 August 2006 |
Course director and Facilitator, 3rd IMCI CM training
course for Nurses,28-31 October, 2006, Al Balqa
Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 4th IMCI CM training
course for Nurses,4-7 Nov., 2006, Al Balqa Governorate,
Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 2nd IMCI CM training course for
Jordanian physicians, 25-30, Nov.2006, Al Balqa
Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Third Inter-Country Workshop on Child Health
Policy Initiative (CHPI). Tunis, Tunisia 10-13 December
2006 |
Participant, National Debriefing meeting IMCI follow up after training
in 4 governorates 26 January – 4 February 2007 |
Course director and Facilitator, 3rd IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 24-29, March, 2007, Al
Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Inter-Country Workshop on Revised Recording
Reporting for TB Control and Electronic Nominal
Registration System (ENRS), Analysis and compilation of
Data. Cairo -Egypt 2-5 April 2007. |
Course director and Facilitator, 4th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 7-12, April, 2007, Al
Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 1st IMCI CM training course for
Nurses,23-27, April, 2006, Al Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Regional Workshop for Religious Leaders to
Promote Good Breastfeeding Practices As Part of the IMCI
Community Components, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic 2-3
June 2007 |
Course director, IMCI Follow up after training of
the health center in five
governorates & UNRW From 18-20 June2007
Amman, Jordan |
Course director, IMCI Follow up after training of the
health center in five
governorates & UNRW From
5-9, July 2007
Amman, Jordan |
- Course director and
Facilitator, 5th IMCI CM training course for
Nurses, 4-8 August, 2007, Al Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
- Participant, Regional
IMCI Coordinators Meeting
Amman, Jordan,
2-6 September 2007 |
Course director and Facilitator, 5th IMCI
CM training course for Jordanian physicians, 20-30,
October, 2007, Amman Governorate, Al-Bashir Hospital,
Jordan |
Facilitator, Training Workshop Implementation of
Monitoring and Evaluation Self Strengthening Tool,
Workshop For TB, The Global Fund, Geneva, Switzerland
28-30 November 2007 |
Global Fund Technical Advisor for the MENA Regional
Meeting of Global Fund, Tunis, Tunisia 3-6 December
2007 |
Course director and Facilitator, 6th IMCI
CM training course for Jordanian physicians, 6-16, Jan.
2008, Amman Governorate, Al-Bashir Hospital, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Capacity Building Workshop For
IMCI Programme Coordinators on Planning for the IMCI
Implementation at District Level, 16-19 February 2008 ,
Suez, Egypt |
Course director and Facilitator, 6th IMCI
CM training course for Nurses from 23-27 March, 2008,
Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Regional Advocacy
Communication and Social Mobilization Planning Workshop
for Tuberculosis Control. Amman, Jordan, 13-17 April
2008 |
Course director and Facilitator, 7th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 10-20, May, 2008,
Al Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 7th IMCI
CM training course for Nurses, 8-12 June, 2008, Irbid
Governorate, Jordan |
Course director, Follow up after training of the
health centers in six governorates & UNRWA
from 21-25/6/2008 |
Course director, Follow up after training of the
health centers in six governorates & UNRWA
from 28/6-2/7/2008 |
Course director, Follow up after training of the
health centers in six governorates & UNRWA
from 5-9/7/2008 |
Course director and Facilitator, 8th IMCI
CM training course for Nurses, 16-20 Nov, 2008, Irbid
Governorate, Jordan |
Course Director, Facilitators training work shop
for 12 Jordanian physicians from 2-6/11/2008 |
Course director and Facilitator, 8th IMCI
CM training course for Jordanian physicians, 13-22, Jan,
2009, Al Balqa Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 9th IMCI
CM training course for Jordanian physicians, 14-24, Feb,
2009, Irbid Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 9th IMCI
CM training course for Nurses, 1-5 March, 2008, Irbid
Governorate, Jordan |
Technical Advisor, Regional Workshop on Early
Childhood Development, Learning Series, making Jordan
fit for Children, 16-19, March 2009 Amman, Jordan
Course Director, Facilitators training work shop
for 12 Jordanian physicians from 11-15, April 2009 |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI
CM training course for Jordanian physicians, 4-14, May,
2009, Amman, Governorate, Jordan |
Course director, Follow up after training of the
health centers in seven governorates & UNRWA from 23-27/5/2009 |
Course director, IMCI Follow up after training of
the health center in seven governorates & UNRW
24-28/5/2009 |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI CM training
course for Nurses, 7-11 June, 2009, Amman Governorate,
Jordan |
WHO Consultant, as facilitator of the first National course for
"Counseling on infant and young child feeding".
Sanaa, 19-25
June 2009 |
director, Follow up after training of the health centers
in seven governorates & UNRWA
from 28/6—2/7/2009 |
WHO Temporary Advisor, Intercountry training on the regional guide on
the orientation and planning for IMCI Pre-service
EMRO, Cairo. Egypt, 25-30 July 2009
Course director and Facilitator, 11th IMCI CM training
course for Nurses, 27 Sep.-1 Oct., 2009 Amman
Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 31/Oct.-10 Nov. 2009,
Amman, Governorate, Jordan |
WHO Consultant, as facilitator of the first National course for
physicians "Counseling the mother on infant and young
child feeding". Rabat, 15-21 November 2009 |
Course director and Facilitator, 12th IMCI CM training
course for Nurses, 13-17 Feb., 2010 Irbid Governorate,
Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 12-22, April, 2010,
Irbid, Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians,30, May- 9 June, 2010,
Amman, Governorate, Jordan |
Course director and Facilitator, 10th IMCI CM training
course for Jordanian physicians, 4-14, May, 2009, Amman,
Governorate, Jordan |
Socio-demographic Characteristics and medical
profile of TB patients during 1994-1996, in Jordan,
Prevalence of MDR TB in Jordan, 2006. Operational
Research in tropical and other communicable disease,
final report summaries 2003-2006/WHO, EM/TDR/110/E.
Prevalence of Tuberculosis Suspects and Their
Healthcare-seeking Behavior in Urban and Rural Jordan.
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 79(4), 2008, pp. 545–551.
Training on the Practical Approach to Lung
Health: effect on drug prescribing in PHC settings in
Jordan. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 15,
No. 1, 2009.
Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Microsoft
publisher, Image Processing Software. Excellent familiar
with Epi info, SPSS, AutoCAD.
Arabic, English: Fluent (Written & spoken)
English Excellent
Arabic Excellent
communication, management and
planning skills |
Member of Jordanian Anti TB and Respiratory
Association(JATA) |
Member of Country Coordination Mechanism(CCM) of AIDS
and TB |
Member of Jordanian Community medicine Specialist
Association |