Name : Nader Younis Hamadalla

Nationality : Jordanian

Date of Birth : Tubas 1941

Marital status : Married with 4 children

Address : Amman Jordan

               P.o.Box 926562

              Fax + 962 6 55 28 669

              Tel Rest : + 962 6 55 21 515

              Tel Office : + 962 6 560 29 19

                                  + 962 6 560 38 40

Email :

الدكتور نادر يونس حمد الله

مستشار جراحة الكلى والمسالك البولية

زميل كلية الجراحين الملكية البريطانية

عضو جمعية جراحي المسالك البولية الأمريكية

عضو جمعية جراحة المناظير للمسالك البولية

عضو جمعية  جراحي المسالك البولية الأوروبية

مستشار ورئيس قسم الكلى والمسالك البولية والتناسلية


في مدينة الحسين الطبية سابقا

مستشفى الاردن



Curriculum Vitae


Education & Training :
  • Jun 1968 - school of medicine – Baghdad University MB,Ch, B.
  • 1968 – 1969 Internship – Base Military Hospital , Amman – Jordan 
  • 1969 – 1970 General Practice In Medical Field Units 
  • 1969 – 1973 Surgical  Residency – Base Military Hospital 
  • 1973 – 12/19973 Basic Science Course in the Royal College Of Surgeon of Edinburgh.
  • 1/1974 Passed Primary FRCS ( Ed ) exam .
  • 1/1974 – 5/1974 Sugary course    in the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 
  • 6/ 1974 Passed  Final FRCS ( Ed ) 
Hospital Appointment And urology Training
  • 06 / 1974 – 01/1975 Fellowship in the Urology Department , Western General Hospital Edinburgh 
  • 01/ 1995 – 09/1975 Fellowship In the urological Center – Liverpool.
  • 09/1975 – 09/1987 Urologist at King Hussein Medical Center , Amman – Jordan 
Urological Register at St Mary’s Hospital London 
  • 1979 – 1982 Consultant Urologist at King Hussein Medical Center 
  • 1982 – 1990 Chief of Urology Department at at King Hussein Medical Center 
  • 5/1990 Retired from the Royal Medical Service in the Jordan Armed Forces as Brigadier 
  • 5/1990 Consultant  Urologist in the Privet Sector 
  • 1996 – Till Now Chief of Urology Department at Jordan Hospital 
Professional Organization
  • Member of British Urological Association 

  • Member of Jordan Medical Association 

  • Member of the Jordanian Society of  urological Surgeon 

  • Member of American Urological Association 

  •   Member of STU

  • Chairman and Member of Examiners Committee of the Jordan Board of Urology

  • Previous Examiner in the Jordan Board of General Surgery 

  • 1975-1990 : Examiner for the Surgical residents in the Royal Medical Service and National Medical Institution 

  • Previous Examiner in the Jordan Medical Colloquium

Conference & Scientific Courses :
  • Cardiff 1975 : British Association of Urological Surgeons ( BAUS ) 
  • Paris 1977 International Society of Urology Bristol 1979   (BAUS ) London 1979: The Royal Society of Medicine
  • Vienna 1980 : Second European Association of Urology Harrogate 1982 : BAUS 
  • Rhodos  1984 : IV Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy , Greece London 1984 Practical course of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Institute of Urology Atlanta 1985 American  Urological Association , Georgia New york 
  • 1986 : American Urological Association West Germany 1986 three weeks Training on ESWL in ( Oberhausen and Mainz University).
  • Paris 1987 : 5th forum of International Andrology  Cambridge 1992 7th annual Pediatric Urology
  • Firenze 1993 – 11th world Congress on Endourology & ESWL , Italy 
  • San Antonio 1993 American Urological Association 
  • Munich 1994 Practical Course on ESWL . W. Germany  
  • Belgium 1996 : 8th Video Urology World Congress , Antwerp .
  • Paris 1995 European Association of  Urology Congress 
  • Alexandria 1996 : Pan Arab Andrology Congress , Egypt 
  • Edinburgh  1997 : 18th world Congress on Endourology 
  • Rhodos 1999 : 17th world Congress  on Endourology & ESWL 
  • Amman 1999 : Jordanian Urological Congress .
  • Hamburg 1999 Bph Therapy for the Next Millennium , Germany
  • San Diego 1998 : AUA , California , USA 
  • Dallas 1999 :  AUA , Texas , USA 
  • Cairo 2000 Pan Arab Society for Impotence .
  • Switzerland 2000 2nd world Congress on Aging Male . Anaheim 2001 AUA , California 
  • Roma 2001 4th Congress of European Society for sexual and  Impotence research , Italy
  • Montreal 2001 : VII International Congress of Andrology , Canada 
  • Orlando 2002 : AUA , Florida .
  • Amman 2001 2nd Mediterranean Congress of  sexual Dysfunction ,Stockholm 2001 : SIU Sweden Madrid 2003 :  European Association Congress , Spain Chicago, 2003 AUA
  • Sharm AlSheikh :  2003 SIU , Egypt  
  • Papers Presented : Amman 1980 : Urolithiasis in Jordan , Arab American Association .
  • Amman 1985 : Surgical Management of Urethral Stricture in King Hussein Medical Center , Jordanian Medical Conference .
  • Amman 1985 : Management of ureteric Injuries in King Hussein Medical Center , Joint Scientific Meeting between the Gynecological Travelers of Great Britten and Royal Medical Services .
  • Amman 1987 : Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy , Jordanian Medical Association .
  • Cairo 1987    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in King Hussein Medical Center World Congress of End urology and ESWL , Egypt 
  • Irbid 1988 Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy Jordanian Surgical Conference University of Science and Technology Jordan .
  • Portugal 1989 In situ ESWL of Uretericn Stones First International Meeting of Lithostar Users .
  • Amman 1987 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Joint Scientific meeting between the Grey Turner Surgical Club & Royal Medical Services .
  • Amman 1989 Treatment of U reteric    Stones ESWL Versus Ureteroscopy 17th  Jordanian Surgical Conference and first Pan Arab Surgical Conference .
  • Amman 1989 ESWL of Renal Stones at King Hussein Medical Center 17th Jordanian Surgical Conference and first Pan Arab Surgical Conference .
  • Amman 2000 Projects of Observation & Monitoring by Investigators Andriol .
  • Montreal 2001 : Hormone Replacement Therapy for PADAM in VII International Congress of Andrology .
  • Amman 2001 : PCNL Supracostal Approach in Jordan Arab Urological Society Congress .
  • Amman 1998 : Safety and Efficacy of sildenafil  


Papers Accepted for Presentation :
  • PCNL
  • In Situ ESWL of Ureteric Stones .
  • Treatment of Ureteric Stones by ureteroscopy in the 5th Saudi Arabia Urological meeting in Dhahran 1989 
  • PCNL
  • ESWL of Renal Stones 
  • Treatment of Ureteric Stones by ESWL versus ureteroscopy in Syrian Urological Conference 1989 .






































































































































































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