Curriculum Vitae
Name; Mo'ayad Said AL Naser (Retired Major General) Nationality: Jordanian Date & Place of Birth: Sept 20 1949, Amman – Jordan. Marital status: Married. Children: 4 boys. Address: Residences: P.O.Box 11192-921918,Amman-Jordan. Clinic Telefax + 96264653853 Home - + 96265335882 Mobile + 962795529469 Languages: Arabic, English & Serbo – Croatian. Hobbies: Reading & Chess. Undergraduate training: Diploma of high qualification in medicine, Belgrade University – Medical School, Jan. 31 1974. Postgraduate degrees: - Fellow of the royal college of surgeons (F R C S) Edinburgh – June 1983. Jordan Broad in Cardiothoracic Surgery July 1991. Courses
attended: - Primary fellowship, SEP. 81-Dec 81, R. C. S. London Eng - Clinical Fellowship course March 82 – May 82 , Lothian Health Board ( Leith Western General & Edinburgh Royal infirmary ) Scotland . - Second part course in Surgery, R C S of Edinburgh, Dec 82 – Jan 83. Highlight course in Surgery, R C S of Edinburgh, Dec, 82- 83. Work
Experience: April 74 – April 75: Internship at Amman Military (Base) hospital. May 75- June 77: General Practice, Royal Medical Services (R . M. S.) Jordan. July 77- June 81: Residency training program in general Surgery and Subspecialties R. M. S. March 82 – Aug 83: Hon, Registrar in General Surgery, Chalmers Hospital & Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Aug, 83- Dec. 83 : Specialist in General Surgery , Amman Military Hospital . Jan 84- July 87: Specialist in Cardio thoracic surgery, QAHL. Oct, 87 – Aug, 88: Hon. Senior Registrar in Cardio thoracic surgery. Royal Brompton Hospital, London. Aug, 88-July 90: Senior Specialist in cardio thoracic & Vascular Surgery, QAHI. July 90 – Aug 1999: Consultant Cardio thoracic & Vascular Surgery QAHI. Aug 1999 –Aug 2003: Head of cardio thoracic surgical department QAHI. Aug 2003- March 2004: Director of the royal rehabilitation center (FARAH). March 2000 till now: Consultant of cardio – thoracic & vascular surgery in the private sector Amman – Jordan. Posts
& Affiliations: Member of Jordan Medical Council Member of the Jordan Cardiac Society, 1988 Member & Treasurer of the Broad of the Jordan Cardiac Society, 90-92. Treasurer of the Advanced Echocardiography & Doppler Ultrasound Conference, Amman, April 92. General Secretary of the second International Conference of Jordan Cardiac Society, 96. Examiner for the Jordan Board in the Cardio thoracic Surgery since 1994 . President of the J.C.S. 1996-1998,1998-2000,2000-2004. President of the forth - fifth- & seventh international Jordan cardiac society conference, April 1998 May 2000, June 2004. Chairman of the Jordanian examination Board in Cardio thoracic Surgery since 1998 till 2006. Associate professor of clinical cardiovascular surgery in Jordan University of science & technology ( J .U . S. T.) Since 1996. Head of cardiovascular surgery department in the KING ABDULLAH teaching hospital in (J. U. S. T. ) 2000 – 2004. President of Pan – Arab Cardiovascular Association 2002 – 2002. Member of the National Committee for prevention from cardiovascular diseases. Head of cardiovascular department Q.A.H.I. August 2003. Director of royal rehabilitation center (FARAH) K.H.M.C. August 2003 – March 2004. Conferences
Attended: The fifth conference of Jordan Medical Association, Amman 1987. The 50th Anniversary conference of the British Cardiac Society, London 1987. The 1st Congress of the international Society, for cardiovascular Surgery, Middle East & North African Chapter, Amman 1989. The 9th International medical convention of national Arab American medical association, Amman 1989. Congress of the international Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter, Toronto Sept.1989. The 1st Pan- Arab cardiovascular Conference (Fifth Egyptian) Cairo Feb.1990. Advanced Echocardiography and Doppler Ultrasound Conference Amman 1992. The 6th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardio thoracic Surgery Geneva Sept. 1992. The 11th International Medical Convention of National Arab American Medical Association Amman June 1993. The 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardio thoracic Surgery, Barcelona Sept 1993. The 2nd International Jordan Cardiac Society Conference Amman April 1994, 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th. The 8th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardio thoracic Surgery, the Hague Sept 1994. The 17th World Congress of International Union of Angelology, London April 1995. The 1st annual Conference of the Syrian Cardiovascular Association, Damascus July 1995. The 9th annual meeting of the European Association of Cardio thoracic Surgery Paris Sept. 1995. The 11th annual meeting of the European association of the cardio thoracic surgery Denmark Sept. 1997. The 12th annual meeting of the European association of cardio thoracic surgery Belgium 1998. The 13th annual meeting of the European association of cardio thoracic surgery Praha Czech Republic 1999. The 15th meeting of the European association of cardio thoracic surgery, Lisbon 2001 The 16th meeting of the European association of cardio thoracic surgery Monaco 2002. The 17th meeting of the European association of cardiothoracic surgery, Vienna 2003. The 18th meeting of the European association of cardiothoracic surgery, Leipzig 2004. 1st Conference of G.H.A (Gulf Heart Association) Muscat Oman Jan 2004. Lebanese cardiac society conference Oct . 2004. The 19th meeting of the European association of cardiothoracic surgery, Barcelona Spain 2005. Presentation: Post Infarction VSD, 5th Jordan Medical Conference Amman 1987. Kidney transportation in Jordan 9th National Arab American Conference Amman July 1989 . Aorto Coronary Bypass Surgery in Jordan 1st Pan Arab Cardiac Conference Cairo 1990. Sub-aortic membrane 11th National Arab – American Conference Amman 1993. LVOT obstruction, 2nd International Jordan Cardiac Society conference Amman 1994. Mitral valve repair, accepted for the 3rd International Jordan Cardiac Society Conference, Amman April 1996. Aortic valve replacement in the elderly, accepted for the 3rd International Jordan cardiac society Conference, Amman April 1996. Co-presentations: Transatrial repair of TOF, 1st Jordan Cardiac Society Conference, Amman 1988. Surgery of TOF,1st Pan-Arab Cardiac Conference ,Cairo 1990. Fontan Operation, 2nd Jordan Cardiac Society Conference, Amman 1994. Emergency aorto-coronary bypass, 2nd Jordan Cardiac Society Conference Amman 1994 . Heart transplant in Jordan, 1st Pan-Arab Cardiac Conference Cairo 1990. Publications:
10 Years Review of Ascending Aortic Dissection, Cardiothoracic Department QAHL. On Hellenic Vascular Surgery Journal, Oct.1994. Morbidity & Mortality after Coronary Bypass Graft Surgery Combined with Mitral valve procedures, Cardiothoracic Department QAHL, Cardiothoracic Department QAHI. Hellenic Vascular Surgery Journal May 1995. Complete Abdominal Aortic Tran section Case Report, Accepted for Publication in Hellenic Vascular Surgery Journal in 1996.
visits & activities: Visit to Qatar March 1976 as member of medical team covering the gulf football tournament. Visit to Iraq Feb 1991, as a member of medical team to help in treating patients and injured people after the second gulf war (AL Kari Hospital) Visit to Iraq 1994 & operating in Saddam Cardiac center (Ibn Al Beetar Hospital). Visit to Iraq 1998 and operating in Saddam Cardiac center (Ibn Al Beetar Hospital) Visit to Yemen Sep.2000, operating and the cardiac center in Al Thawra Hospital. Visit to Yemen Dec.2004, operating in the expanded cardiac center in Al thawra Hospital. Visit to Algeria 1998 , to establish cooperation in treating Algerian patients in Jordan . Visit Al Dammam (Saudi Arabia) to al Mouasa Hospital to aid in establishing a new cardiac unit. Visiting Surgeon to Yemen, July 2005. Visiting Surgeon to Algeria, Jan-Feb2007-05-16 Operating Experience More than 5,000 Cardiac operations, 15% of them in Pediatric cardiac surgery, and another 25% in valve surgery the rest are coronary and vascular surgery. Dr.Mo'ayad Said AL Naser
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