Name Dr.
Mahmoud Khalil Sheikh Hasan
Home Albyader-Amman-Jordan
Cellular 962 796667122
Feb 3 1977, Amman, Jordan
Date and place of birth
Nationality Jordanian
Marital status Married
Languages Arabic, English, and Russian
Current position
Consultant of gastroenterology and hepatology ,
AL Bashir hospital, Jordanian MOH
1995-2002 Dagestan medical academy, Russian
Postgraduate training
Feb 2011-Feb 2014 Jordan University Hospital,
Fellowship in gastroenterology
and hepatology
Aug 2004-Aug 2008 AL Bashir hospital , Jordan,
Residency in internal medicine
Jul 2002-Jul 2003 Al-Basheir Hospital, Amman,
Rotating internship
Professional certification
Jordanian board of internal medicine,
certified 2008
Jordanian board of gastroenterology and
hepatology, certified 2014
European board of gastroenterology and
hepatology, certified 2014
Procedures experience
Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures
Upper GI Endoscopy, Esophageal and
pyloric balloon dilatations, stenting,
variceal banding, sclerotherapy.
-Push Enteroscopy
Double balloon endoscopy
Colonoscopy; polypectomy, using APC, EMR.
ERCP, sphincterotomy, dilatation, biopsy
/ brushings, stone
crushing & extraction, stenting & needle knife.
Liver Biopsies
- Motility studies and pH study.
- Stenting for GI malignancies
(metallic) Colonic, small bowel and biliary
- Capsule Endoscopy