Ibrahim A. Sbeih

Ibn Alhaytham Hospital Neurosurgical Department.
P.O. Box 17065 Amman 11195 Jordan.
Tel. (Work):
Tel (Home):
E-mail: ibrahimsbeihaz@gmail.com
Date of Birth:
February 27, 1952.
Social Status:
Married Four children.
Football, chess, music, reading.
General Education:
Primary School (Zerka Jordan). 1957-1963
Intermediate School (Zerka Jordan). 1963 - 1966
Secondary School - High School (Zerka Jordan). 1966-1968
General Certificate of Education / 1968 1969
University of Alexandria / Egypt, (MB.CH.B.)
Date of entry: Sept. 1969.
Date of graduate: January, 1975.
Grade: Very Good with first Honor Degree.
Excellent Grades in: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry,
Histology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Ophthalmology, ENT,
Gynecology, General Surgery and Forensic Medicine.
F.R.C.S. (Fellow Royal College of Surgeons) Glasgow, UK,
F.R.C.S.S.N. (Fellow Royal College of Surgeons - Surgical
Neurology) Edinburgh, UK, 1985. Distinction: Gold Medal.
Radiosurgery Certification, Karolinska Institute Stockholm,
Sweden, November 1995 May 1996.
Previous Appointments:
Rotating House Officer: Zerka Governmental Hospital, Jan.
1975 to Jan. 1976, Zerka Jordan.
Resident in General Surgery: Jordan University Hospital,
Jordan Medical School, July 1976 to November 1978.
Resident in Neurosurgery: Jordan University Hospital, Jordan
Medical School, November 1978 to July 1980.
Senior House Officer in Neurosurgery: Atkinson Morleys
Hospital, London UK, July 1980 to July 1981.
Registrar in Neurosurgery: Atkinson Morleys Hospital,
London UK, July 1981 to December 1984.
Acting Senior Registrar: Atkinson Morleys Hospital, London
UK, December 1984 to July 1985.
Assistant Professor in Surgical Neurology: Medical School,
University of Jordan, August 1985 to September 1991.
Associate Professor (part time): Medical School, Jordan
University 1996 for one year.
Visiting Professor (part time): Medical School, University
of Science and Technology, August 2001 till June 2006.
Previous Posts:
Vice President: Jordanian Spine Society, September 2000 till
September 2002.
President: Jordan Neurosciences Society, July 2001 till July
Secretary: Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society (PANS), October
2000 till October 2002.
President Elect: Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society, 2002
President: Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society, 2004 2006.
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery (Visiting): Medical
School, Jordan University of Science and Technology (J.U.S.T.)
August 2001 - 2006.
Current Posts:
Second Vice President At Large World Federation of
Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS).
Chairman, Neurosurgical Department, Ibn Alhaytham hospital,
January 2007 till now.
Awards & Honors:
Distinction, General Certificate of Education, Jordan 1969.
Distinction in various Basic & Clinical Medical Sciences,
Alexandria Medical School Egypt, 1969 1975.
Medal of Distinction and First Honor Degree, Medical School,
Alexandria University - Egypt 1975.
Distinction: F.R.C.S.S.N. (Fellow Royal College of Surgeons
in Surgical Neurology), Edinburgh UK, Gold Medal, 1984.
First Lumbar Microdiscectomy in Jordan, July 1985.
First Gamma Knife Radiosurgery case treated in the Middle
East and Africa, Amman Gamma Knife Unit, Amman Jordan,
June 1996.
First Transnasal Approach for sellar lesion in infants,
Amman Jordan, March 1995.
Pioneer of skull base surgery in Jordan since 1985.
Membership ( Local ):
Jordan Medical Association, Jordan.
Society for Cerebral Palsy, Amman Jordan.
The Society for Care of Neurological Patients, Amman
Jordan Oncology Society, Jordan Medical Association, Amman.
Jordanian Epilepsy Society, Amman Jordan.
Jordanian Child Health Care Society, Amman Jordan.
Franco Jordanian Business Club, Amman Jordan.
Membership ( International ):
F.R.C.S. (Glasgow): Fellow Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeon, Glasgow, UK.
F.R.C.S. (S.N): Fellow Royal College of Surgeons, surgical
neurology Edinburgh, UK.
G.M.C.: Permanent member General Medical Council, UK.
S.B.N.S.: Associate Member Society of British Neurological
C.N.S.: Member, Congress Neurological Surgeons - USA.
AANS: Member, American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
W.F.N.S.: World Federation Neurological Surgery, member
Skull Base Surgery Committee, Oncology committee, and
Education Committee and International Initiative Committee.
EANS European Neurosurgical Society. Member
Leksell Sterotactic Society. member
PANS Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society. Member
SCSN Corresponding Member: South Cone Society of
Neurological surgeons.
JNS Guest member of the Japanese Neurosurgical Society.
Honorary member Bulgarian Society of Neurosurgery.
Editorial Board:
Editorial Board, Journal of Royal Medical Services, Amman
Jordan, 1988 till now.
Jordan Medical Journal, Amman Jordan, 1989 till now.
Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery, 2001 till now.
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 2008 till now.
Neurosurgery: International Advisory Board September 2009
till now.
Surgical neurology International: Editorial.
World Neurosurgery: International Advisory Board.
Lecturer and Examiner:
Lecturer, Nursing College, Atkinson Morleys Hospital,
London UK, 1980-1985.
Lecturer, Medical Students, St. Georges Medical School,
London UK, 1980-1985.
Teaching Staff (lecturer, assistant and associate
professor), Jordan Medical School, Jordan University, Amman
Jordan, 1985-1991.
Lecturer, Residency Program, Jordan Hospital, Amman
Jordan, 1998 January 2007.
Examiner, Jordanian Neurosurgical Board, Jordan Medical
Council, Amman Jordan. 1992 till 2008.
External Examiner, Medical Students and Residency Program,
Jordan Medical School, Amman Jordan, 1992 till now.
Examiner medical students and residency program, medical
school, University of science and technology Irbid- Jordan
2001 till now.
Examiner, Arab Board of Neurosurgery, June 2002 till 2008.
Instructor dissection course (cadaveric) World Federation
Neurosurgical Society (WFNS), Mumbai India 25 January
Instructor Cadaveric dissection course, CNS Chicago,
October 2006.
Attended the Following Workshops & Courses:
Postgraduate Course in Head Injuries and Brain Tumors,
European, Middle East, Pan Arab Neurological Societies,
Cairo Egypt, 1979.
Construction Examination Questions for Medical Students,
Center for Education Development, Amman Jordan, 6-8
January 1986.
Construction of Check list and Rating Scales, (as above),
4-5 March 1986.
Planning and Leading a Group Discussion Workshop, Jordan
University, Amman Jordan, October 1985.
Midas Rex Psychomotor Institute, Texas USA, January 1986.
Automated Percutaneous Lumbar Disectomy Workshop, Chicago
USA, July 1988.
First International Course on Interventional Procedures,
Riyadh KSA, 7-9 November 1993.
Leksell Gamma Knife Training Course Karolinska and Elekta,
Stockholm Sweden, November 1995 May 1996.
International Symposium and Workshop on Minimal Invasive
Neurosurgery, Amman Jordan, 16-18 September 1996.
Interventional Neuroradiology Course, Zurich Switzerland,
July 2000.
Microsurgical Approaches to Brain, Ventricles and Skull
Base, Gainesville, Florida, February 2000.
Workshop on 3T MRI, Philips Company, 7-11 March 2006,
Workshop on Fluorescence Guided resection of malignant
gliomas, University of Dόsseldorf, 26-29 July 2006,
Dόsseldorf - Germany.
WFNS/WIIC Middle East Workshop and Endoscopy course 7-9
January 2009, Amman-Jordan.
I organized the following conferences, courses and workshops:
Critical Nursing Course (Organizer). Jordan University
Medical School, October 1991.
Second Jordanian Neuroscience Conference (Organizing
committee), Amman Jordan, October 1992
Critical Nursing Course (Organizer). Islamic Hospital,
Amman Jordan, November 1993, and Arab Center Hospital
1995, And Malhas Hospital 1994, Amman Jordan.
First International Conference on Cancer (Organizing
committee), Amman Jordan, 1994.
National Committee for the Jordanian Week in Japan. HRH
Crown Prince Hassan (organizer), Tokyo Japan, May 1995.
Workshop on Minimal Invasive Neurosurgery (Executive
committee), Amman Jordan, September 1996.
International Advisory Committee, European Association of
Neurosurgical Societies and Pan Arab Society, Riyadh KSA,
October 1997.
Congress Middle East Spine Group (Executive committee),
Amman Jordan, September 1999.
World Federation Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) (Organizer),
Clinical Course, Amman Jordan, March 2000.
Third Jordanian Neurosciences Society Congress (Vice
President), Amman Jordan, April 2001.
Second Mediterranean Congress of Sexual Dysfunction
(Scientific committee), Amman Jordan, June 2002.
Course on Glioma Multimodality Approach (Organizer), King
Hussein Cancer Center,AmmanJordan, 22 September, 2004.
Vth Congress of the Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society
(President), Amman Jordan, 23-26 September, 2004.
Microvascular Sutures Course (Chairman), University of
Science and Technology, 27-28 September 2004, Irbid
Spine Fixation Course (Organizer), 26-27 June 2005, Dead Sea
Critical Nursing Course (Chairman), Jordan Hospital 26-27
March 2006, Amman Jordan.
Jordanian German Neuroradiology Meeting (Organizer),
29-30 March 2006 Amman Jordan.
Jordan's bidding committee to host WFNS-2013 congress
(chairman) 20. November. 2007, Nagoya-Japan.
WFNS/WIIC Middle East Workshop and Endoscopy course
(Director) 7-9 January. 2009, Amman-Jordan.
Attended and Presented the Following Papers in Medical Meetings:
Carotid Cavernous Fistula: Society of British Neurological
Surgeons, (S.B.N.S.), Galway - Ireland, 1982.
Epilepsy after Craniotomy for Aneurysms: (S.B.N.S.),
Liverpool UK, 1983.
Conservative Management of Chronic Subdural Hamatoma:
(SB.N.S.) meeting, Belfast Ireland, 1984.
Brain Abscess: Jordanian Surgical Society, Amman Jordan,
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Jordanian Surgical Society, Amman
Jordan, 1986.
Head Injuries in Jordan: Jordan Medical Association 5th
Annual Conference, Amman Jordan, March 1987.
Head Injuries in Children: Jordan Medical Association 5th
Annual Conference, Amman Jordan, 1987.
Spinal Injuries: Jordan Medical Society, Jarash Jordan,
Anesthesia and Intensive Care First Jordanian Conference:
Amman Jordan, 1988.
Head Injuries: Jordan Medical Association, Alkarak Jordan,
Rehabilitation after Brain Surgery: Cerebral Palsy Society,
Amman Jordan, 1989.
Pituitary Tumors: Jordan Medical Association, Irbid
Jordan, 1990.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Jordan Medical Association, Aqaba
Jordan, 1991.
Tuberous Sclerosis in a Jordanian Family: Second
Neuroscience Society Conference, Amman Jordan, 1992.
Head Injuries in Football: Second Jordanian Conference on
Sport Injuries, Main Jordan, 12-13 November, 1992.
Unusual Tentorial Meningioma: Jordan Medical Association,
Amman Jordan, 1993.
Clivus Chorodma: New Neurosurgical Technique: Jordan Medical
Association, Amman Jordan, 1993.
New Neurosurgical Approach for Clivus Chorodma: First Neuro
Interventional Procedures Conference, Riyadh KSA, 1993.
Attended the European Neurosurgical Society Meeting (EANS),
Berlin Germany, 1995.
Attended the First Pan Arab Congress for Anesthesia and
Intensive Care, Amman Jordan, 1995.
Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan: Egyptian Neuroscience Society,
Alexandria - Egypt, 1996.
Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan: Societie Tunisienne de
Neurochirurgie, Tunis Tunisia, 1996.
Fibromas in Sinonasal Region: Annual Meeting of Egyptian
Society of Neurological Surgeon, Cairo Egypt, March 1997.
Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan: Leksell Gamma Knife Society,
Marseille France, June 1997.
Radical Excision of Clivus Cordma via Maxillotomy: World
Association of Lebanese Neurosurgeons. Home Coming Meeting,
Beirut Lebanon, July 1997.
Skull Base Surgery in Jordan: Xth European Association of
Neurosurgical Society, Guest Lecture, Beirut Lebanon,
October 1997.
Attended: European Neurosurgical Society Meeting (EANS),
Amsterdam Holland, 1997.
Tuberous Sclerosis in Jordanian Family: 7th Pan Arab Union
of Neurological Societies Conference, Riyadh KSA, March
Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan, Personal Experience: 5th
German Jordanian Medical Conference, Amman Jordan,
October 1997.
Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan: St. Raffaele Hospital, Milan
Italy, November 1997.
Microneurosurgery for Craniopharyngioma: Iraq Neurosciences
Society, Baghdad Iraq, June 1998.
Faciomaxillary Access for Orbital and Skull Base Tumors in
Jordan: XIth Congress European Association for Cranio-Facial
Surgery, Helsinki Finland, September 1998.
Surgical Treatment of Parkinson disease in Jordan: Symposium
interdisciplinary Neurosurgical Aspects, Kuwait, February
Skull Base Microneurosurgery in Jordan: Annual Meeting of
the Egyptian Society of Neurological Surgery, Cairo Egypt,
March 1999.
Skull Base Microneurosurgery in Jordan: Xth Euro Arab Course
of Neurosurgery, Tunisia, October 1999.
Attended the European Neurosurgical Society (EANS),
Copenhagen Denmark, 1999.
Attended the French Speaking Neurological Surgery Societies
Meeting, Paris France, 1999.
Skull Base Surgery in Jordan: Second American University of
Beirut Medical Conference in Jordan, Amman Jordan, April
Skull Base Surgery in Jordan: Egyptian Society of
Neurological Surgery, Cairo Egypt, March 1999.
Skull Base Surgery in Jordan: Neurosurgery Meets Millennium,
Hanover Germany, July 2000.
Unusual Brain Lesions: Symposium Inauguration of the
International Neuroscience Institute, Hanover Germany,
July 23-25, 2000.
Third Ventricular Tumors, Personal Experience: Pan Arab
Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Beirut Lebanon, October
Microsurgery for Epidermoid Tumors: International Course on
Clinical Neurosurgery Continuing Education Program ( Prof.
M. Samii ), Hanover Germany, November 2000.
Attended World Federation Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
12th Congress, Sydney Australia, September 16-20, 2001.
Microsurgery for Epidermoid Tumors: Pan African Society and
Egyptian Society of Neurosurgery Meeting, Cairo Egypt,
March 2002.
Petroclival Meningioma, Personal Experience: Syrian
Neuroscience Society Meeting, Damascus Syria, June 2002.
Sphenopetroclival Meningioma, Personal Experience: IVth
International Congress on Cerebral Venous System and IVth
International Congress on Meningioma, Turkish Neurosurgical
Society Meeting, Istanbul Turkey, June 2002.
Sphenoclival Meningioma, Experience with 31 Consecutive
Cases: 25th Anniversary Professor M. Samii in Hanover
Germany, June 2002.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors: IVth Congress of Pan Arab
Neurosurgical Society, Fez Morocco, 9-13 October 2002.
Attended the 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Lisbon
Portugal, 7-12 September 2003.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors: Second Emirates
Neurosciences Conference, Dubai UAE, 4-8 October 2003.
Microneurosurgery, Gamma Radiosurgery for Brain Tumors:
First International Congress of the Emirates Neurosciences
Society, Dubai UAE, 6-9 December 2004.
Gamma Radiosurgery and Microneurosurgery for Brain Tumors:
Royal Hospital International Congress, Sharjah UAE, 11-15
February 2005.
Skull Base Surgery in Jordan: Minimally Invasive
Neurosurgery Conference, Nagoya Japan, 6-8 March 2005.
Epidermoid Tumors, Personal Experience: South Asian
Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Karachi Pakistan, 17-20
March 2005.
Intracranial Epidermoid, Personal Experience of 48 Cases :
South Cone Society Meeting in Association with Argentinean
and Italian Neurosurgical Societies, Barilochi Argentina,
28-31 March 2005.
Retrosegmoid Approach for Posterior Fossa Tumors, WFNS
Congress, Marrakech- Morocco, June 2005.
Unusual Suprasellar Lesions, Congress of Neurological
Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting, Boston - USA, 8-12 October
Uncommon Spinal Lesions, Romanian Neurosurgical Society,
Targu Mures Romania, 13-17 October 2005.
Unusual Suprasellar Lesions, Romanian Neurosurgical Society,
Targu Mures Romania, 13-17 October 2005.
Uncommon Spinal Lesions, Emirates Neurosurgical Society,
Dubai UAE, 12-16 November 2005.
Unusual Suprasellar Lesions, Emirates Neurosurgical Society,
Dubai UAE, 12-16 November 2005.
Epidermoid Tumours, Gutenerg University, Mainz Germany, 8
December 2005.
Unusual Suprasellar Lesions, Kuwaiti Neurosurgical Society,
December 2005, Kuwait.
Unusual Spinal Lesions, Kuwaiti Neurosurgical Society,
December 2005, Kuwait.
Kuwaiti Neurosurgical Society, December 2005, Kuwait.
Pertoclival Meningiomas, 6th Asian Conference of
Neurological Surgeons 26th 29th January 2006,
Mumbai India.
Intracranial Epidermoid, 6th Asian Conference of
Neurological Surgeons 26th 29th January 2006,
Mumbai India.
Comparison of Gamma Radiosurgery and Surgical Excision for
Brain Metastasis ( Jordanian experience ), Italian
Neurosurgical Society, 3-5 February 2006, Rome Italy.
Skull Base Surgery and Gamma Radiosurgery in Jordan, Yemen
Society of Surgery, 6-9 February 2006, Sanaa Yemen.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors. Neurospinal Symposium, 15-16
March 2006, Dubai UAE.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors, 28-30 March 2006,
Muscat Sultanate of Oman.
Intracranial Metastasis Multimodality Approach, 28-30 March
2006, Muscat Sultanate of Oman.
Attended AANS Meeting, 20-16 April 2006, San Francisco
Multimodality Approach for Management of Brain Metastasis,
Leksell Gamma Radiosurgery Society Meeting, 20-25 May 2006,
Seoul Korea.
Invasive Pituitary Adenoma, 6th Pan Arab Neurosurgical
Society Conference, 4-7 September 2006, Damascus Syria.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors, 6th Pan Arab Neurosurgical
Society Conference, 4-7 September 2006, Damascus Syria.
Invasive Pituitary Adenoma, The 2nd ISOCS 20 Years Later,
9-13 September 2006, Ljubljana Slovenia.
Clivus Chordomas, The 2nd ISOCS 20 Years Later, 9-13
September 2006, Ljubljana Slovenia.
Transbasal Approaches, CNS 2006 Annual Meeting, 6-12 October
2006, Chicago USA.
Unusual Suprasellar Lesions, the 2nd international
Conference, Emirates Neurosurgical Society, 28-30 October
2006, Dubai Emirates.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors, the 2nd international
Conference, Emirates Neurosurgical Society, 28-30 October
2006, Dubai Emirates.
Invasive Pituitary Adenoma, The 8th Asian Oceanian
International Congress on Skull Base Surgery, 1-4 November
2006, Dubai - Emirates.
Clivus Chordomas, The 8th Asian Oceanian International
Congress on Skull Base Surgery, 1-4 November 2006, Dubai -
Suprasellar Meningiomas, 5th International Congress on
Meningiomas and Cerebral Venous System, 27-29 November 2006,
Fujiyoshida Japan.
Petroclival Meningiomas, 5th International Congress on
Meningiomas and Cerebral Venous System, 27-29 November 2006,
Fujiyoshida Japan.
Hemangioblastomas of the Medulla Oblongata, 8th
International Conference on Cerebrovascular Surgery, 30
November 3 December 2006, Taipei Taiwan.
Surgery of Intracranial Aneurysm in the Middle East, 8th
International Conference on Cerebrovascular Surgery, 30
November 3 December 2006, Taipei Taiwan.
Interhemisferic Approach for Midline Lesions, 7th Congress
of South Cone Society, 8-13 March 2007, Gramado Brazil.
Suprasellar Meningiomas, 8th Congress of the European Skull
Base Society, 2-5 May 2007, Prague Czech.
Attended Neuroendoscopy, 6-9 May 2007, Paris France.
Hemangioblastoma Medulla Oblongata, Italian Society and CNS
joint meeting 24-28 June 2007, Rome Italy.
Hemangioblastoma Medulla Oblongata, European Skull Base
Society annual meeting, 2-6 September 2007, Glasgow UK.
Clivus Chordomas, European Skull Base Society annual
meeting, 2-6 September 2007, Glasgow UK.
Invasive Pituitary Adenomas, European Skull Base Society
annual meeting, 2-6 September 2007, Glasgow UK.
Suprasellar Meningiomas, European Skull Base Society annual
meeting, 2-6 September 2007, Glasgow UK.
Attend CNS meeting, 16-20 September 2007, San Diego USA.
Petroclival Meningiomas, the 6th Congress of the Romanian
Society of Neurosurgery, 27-30 September 2007, Bucharest -
Transbasal Interhemisferic Approach for Midline Skull base
Lesions, the 6th Congress of the Romanian Society of
Neurosurgery, 27-30 September 2007, Bucharest - Romania.
Invasive pituitary adenomas, Egyptian society of
neurosurgeons Sharm Al Sheikh, Egypt 24 27 October 2007.
Suprasellar meningiomas personal experience, Asian
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 19-23 Nov. 2007 Wagoya,
Hemangioblastoma medulla oblongata, Gulf Society of
Neurosurgery, Manama, Bahrain 3-7 Dec. 2007.
Petroclival meningioma-personal experience joint meeting
AANS and Kuwaiti society of neurosurgery 14-17 Dec. 2007.
Lamina-terminalis approach for craniopharingioma Omani
Society of Neurosurgery Muscat, Sultanate of Oban26-28 March
Ependymomas of conus medullaris, Neurospinal Hospital
symposium Dubai, UAE. (14-16 May 2008)
Transbasal interhemispheric approach for sellar and
parasellar regions. Syrian Society of Neurosurgery meeting
Damascus- Syria 3-6 June 2008.
Petroclival Meningiomas. Meningioma and Venous System
Congress, Boston, USA 3-6 September. 2008.
Lamina Terminalis Approach for Craniopharyngioma North
America Skull Base Society Meeting, 10-14 September. 2008
Invasive Pituitary Adenomas World Society of Skull Base
Surgery and North America Skull Base Society Meeting, 10-14
September. 2008, Vancouver-Canada.
Suprasellar Meningioma United Arab Emirate Neurosurgical
Society Meeting Dubai-UAE 18-20 December. 2008.
Petroclival Meningiomas United Arab Emirates Neurosurgical
Society Meeting Dubai-UAE 18-20 December. 2008.
Lamina Terminalis Approach for Third Ventricular Tumors,
WFNS/WIIC Middle East Workshop 7-9 January.2009.
LINC Meeting 24-28 May, 2009 Paris, France.
Microneurosurgery for Excision of Colloid Cysts:
Neuroedoscopy Meeting 31 may-3 June 2009 Athens, Greece.
Invasive Pituitary Adenomas WALN and Lebanese Neurosurgical
Society Meeting 25-28 June, 2009, Beirut, Lebanon.
Petroclival Meningioma. Personal Experience. WFNS World
Congress 30 August-4 September 2009, Boston USA.
Lamina Terminalis Approach for Craniophryngiomas. WALN and
Lebanese Neurosurgical Society Meeting 25-28 June, 2009
Beirut, Lebanon.
Lamina Terminalis Approach. North American Skull Base
Society Meeting 16-18 October 2009 New Orleans USA.
Gamma Radiosurgery In Jordan. Palestinian Authority Meeting
26-28 February 2010, Ramallah, West Bank.
Third Ventricular Tumors, Egyptian Society Meeting 10-13
March 2010, Sharm Alsheik, Egypt.
Lamina Terminalis Approach For Craniopharyngioma, Italian
Neurosurgical Society Meeting 14-18 April 2010, Messina
Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors, Neurospinal Hospital
Meeting, 27-30 May 2010, Dubai, UAE.
Lamina Terminalis Approach For Third Ventricular Lesions,
WFNS Teaching Course 8-11 September 2010. Kazan, Russia.
Petroclival meningiomas, WFNS Education Course, 8 11 Sept.
2010, Kazan, Russia.
Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas. International Society of
Pituitary Surgery, Sonoma, California, USA, 14-16 October.
Suprasellar Meningioma, Personal experience. Poster
Presentation, CNS Meeting San Francisco, USA 16-21 October
Hemangioblastoma Medulla Oblongata, Poster presentation, CNS
meeting san Francisco, USA, 16-21 October 2010.
Lamina terminalis approach for third ventricular lesions,
Emirates Neurosciences society, fourth international
congress 6 8 Nov. 2010, Dubai, UAE.
Petroclival meningiomas, Emirates Neurosciences society,
fourth international congress 6 8 Nov. 2010, Dubai, UAE.
Giant invasive pituitary adenomas, (AASNS) Asian
Australian Society of Neurological Surgeons teaching
course 10 Nov. 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Lamina terminalis approach for third ventricular lesion,
10th Asian Oceanian Congress on Skull Base Surgery
(AOSBS), 11 13 Nov. 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Petroclival meningioma, 10th Asian Oceania Congress on
Skull Base Surgery (AOSBS), 11 13 Nov. 2010, Bali,
Clivus chordomas Pan Arab Neurosurgical societies
Congress, 26 28 Nov. 2010, Algiers, Algeria.
Petroclival meningioma, Pan Arab Neurosurgical Societies
congress, 26 28 Nov. 2010, Algiers, Algeria.
Lamina terminalis approach for third ventricular lesions,
4th American Kuwaiti meeting 5 8 Dec. 2010.
Foramen magnum lesions Spine Congress, Dead Sea Jordan 11
12 Feb, 2011.
Clivus Chordomas, WFNS Educational Course, Phuket,
Thailand, 15 17 Feb. 2011.
Petroclival meningiomas, WFNS Educational Course, Phuket,
Thailand, 15 17 Feb. 2011.
Clivus chordomas, First Asian Anatolian Congress,
Istanbul, Turkey, 18 20 Feb. 2011.
Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas, WFNS Educational Course,
Odessa, Ukraine 24-27, April, 2011.
Lamina Terminals Approach for Craniopharyngiomas,
WFNS-Education Course, Odessa, Ukraine.
Craniopharungiomal Junction-unusual Lesions, Dubai
Neuroscience Society Dubai UAE, 10-14 May, 2011.
Lamina Terminalis Approach, WFNS-Education Course,
Acapulco-Mexico, 17-19, July, 2011.
Week of teaching-Kurdistani Neurosurgical Board,
Erbil-Kurdistan, July, 2011.
Microneurosurgery for Colloid Cysts (breakfast Seminar) EANS
meeting Rome, Italy, 9-14, October.
Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas (International Session)
EANS meeting Rome, Italy, 9-14, October, 2011.
Foramen Magnum Lesions, WFNS Interim Congress Recife,
Brazil, 14-18, September, 2011.
Lamina Terminalis Approach for Third Ventricular Tumors.
WFNS-Interim meeting, Recife, Brazil, 14-18, September,
Petroclival Meningioma, 7th Black Sea Congress, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 17-20. November, 2011.
Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas, 7th Black Sea Congress,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-20. November, 2011.
Intracranial Epidermoid Tumors, American Kuwaiti Meeting,
Kuwait 4-8, December.2011.
Clivus Chordomas, WFNS-Education Course, Hanoi-Vietnam 9-13
Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas WFNS-Education Course,
Hanoi-Vietnam, 9-13.December.2011.
Suprasellar Meningiomas, WFNS-Education Course,
Hanoi-Vietnam, 3-13, December. 2011.
Giant invasive pituitary adenomas; North Amerecan Skull Base
Society meeting 17 -19 Feb 2012, Las Vegas.
Clivus Chordomas;North Amerecan Skull Base Society meeting
17 -19 Feb 2012, Las Vegas.
Petroclival meningiomas;North Amerecan Skull Base Society
meeting 17 -19 Feb 2012, Las Vegas
Almani W.S & Sbeih I.: ( Patterns of Head Injuries in Jordan
), Jordan Medical Journal, June 1980.
Sbeih I. & Olaoire S.A: ( Traumatic Carotid Cavernous
Fistula Direct Approach ), J. Neurosurgery, March 1984.
Veerapen R. & Sbeih I.: ( Surgical Treatment of Cryptic
AVMs and Associated Hematoma in the Brain Stem and Spinal
Cord ), J. Neurosurgery, August 1986.
Tamas L. & Sbeih I.: ( Epilepsy after Craniotomy for
Aneurysms ), J. Neurosurgery, November 1986.
Sbeih I. & Richardson A.E: ( Conservative Management of
Chronic Subdural Hematoma ), J. Dirasat, Amman Jordan,
September 1988.
Shaheen A. & Sbeih I.( Comparative Bioavailability of two
Brands of Carbamazepine ), Current Therapeutic Research
Journal, April 1989.
T. Daradkeh, I. Sbeih: ( Catatonia and Wilson Disease ),
Arab Journal of Psychiatry, September 1990.
Hassan A., Sbeih I. & Sumerin I.: ( Laparoscopic Removal of
Non Functioning Lumbopertoneal Shunt ), Jordan Medical
Journal, June 1991.
I.sbeih: clivus choromas/ACTA Neurochirurgica, abstract book
13th congress of European Association of Neurosurgical
Societies (EANS), Glasgow UK Septembet 2-7, 2007.
I.Sbeih: hemangioblastoma medulla oblongata, ACTA
Neurochirurgica, abstract book 13th congress of European
Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Glasgow UK
Septembet 2-7, 2007.
I.Sbeih suprasellar meningiomas, ACTA,Neurochirurgica,
abstract book 13th congress of European Association of
Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Glasgow UK Septembet 2-7,
I.Sbeih invasive pituitary adenomas ACTA Neurochirurgica,
abstract book 13th congress of European Association of
Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Glasgow UK Septembet 2-7,
I. Sbeih, O. Alzoubi, A. Ayad: spinal cord compression by
extramedullary hematopoietic tissue in a patient with
B-Thalassaemia. PanArab journal of neurosurgery, April 2008.
I. Sbeih Microneurosurgery for Colloid Cyst Excision.
Child's Nervous System (Abstract). Volume 25, June 2009 page
Do we need a neurosurgical Interpol. Surgical neurology
volume 72, issue 6, 557 772, Dec. 2009.
Sbeih, A. Ayad, M. Ghanem: Tuberous sclerosis in a Jordanian
family. 18 years follow up. Pan Arab Journal of
Neurosurgery, Sept 2010.
I. Sbeih: Clivus chordomas, Journal of Skull Base Surgery
(supplement), volume 22, Feb 2012. Page 5 6.
I. Sbeih: Petroclival Meningioma, Journal of Skull Base
Surgery (supplement), volume 22, Feb 2012. Page 21.
I. Sbeih: Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas, Journal of
Skull Base Surgery (supplement), volume 22, Feb 2012. Page
I. Sbeih, O. Alzoubi: Suprasellar langerhans cell
histocytosis mimicking pituitary tumor. Submitted to Pan
Arab Journal of Neurosurgery October. 2011.
I.Sbeih: History of Neurosurgery in Jordan submitted to
World Neurosurgery Journal November. 2011.
I. Sbeih, M. Jalad, M. Balbeisi: Toxoplasmosis of cervical
spinal cord mimicking intramedullary tumor, submitted to
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery Dec. 2011.
The following papers are under preparation:
I Sbeih, M Ganam: Does Gamma knife radiosurgery induce brain
tumors in neurofibromatosis patients. Report of two cases
and review of literature.
I. Sbeih, S. Alnafee: ruptured intracranial epidermoid case
report and review of literature.
I. Sbeih, A. Adnan: Clivus Chordomas.
I. Sbeih, M. Yehya: intracranial fungal infection.
I. Sbeih, O. Al Zoubi: Lamina terminalis approach for true
third ventricular tumors.
I. Sbeih: Microsurgical management of intracranial
epidermoid tumors.
I. Sbeih: Anterior clinoidectomy in meningiomas.