Name: - Hossam Eldin Mortady Mohammady Hassan
Nationality: - Egyptian
Religion: - Muslim
Birth date: - 23 -7-1978
Marital status: - married
B.Sc of medicine and surgery
University: - Zagazig University
Year of graduation: - 2001
Fellowship of the Egyptian medical association of general
practitioner 2010
Saudi council of health careers
Membership of the African quality association
Member of OSHA (occupational safety of healthcare association)
First aid course in faculty of medicine, Zagazig University
B L S course of American heart association life support.
Course of ultrasonography (abdominal –obstetrics –gynecology) in
Embabah General Hospital
More than two hundred hours C. M. E. (continuous medical
education) in ALIman General Hospital- K. S. A & through
internet online conferences
Course on organ failure registry at S.C.O.T (Prince Salman
Center for Organ Transplantation) in K.S.A
Condensed course of quality from ASQH for preparation to IBQH
(International board of quality healthcare)
SEVEN years working in Embaba General Hospital, Cairo, in the
field of emergency & general medicine & nephrology
Working in Said Galal hospital, Al Azher University as medical
Working in Ahmed Kamel insurance hospital one & half years
general medicine & nephrology
Working in some private clinics & units in the field of
emergency & general medicine & nephrology
Three years working in K. S. A. – ALRhyiad - in al Iman General
Hospital in the field of emergency & general medicine &
Two years working in a private polyclinic AL TAWFEEQ POLYCLINIC
To join a strong and intelligence team where I can focus on how
to help and manage the patient , learn from those around me,
share my skills, knowledge, collect and gather requirements,
data, information, and experience.
• Receiving all emergency cases and dealing with them in
emergency room, either it is simple cases or complicated cases
especially the medical case, Admission of cases indicated for
admission and follow up these cases inpatient door
• Follow up the medical & nephrology cases in the outpatient
clinics and modulate medications according to the case
• Taking decision for the cases need haemo – dialysis , either
acute or chronic cases , either in the emergency room or out
–patient clinic and inserting catheter either femoral or jugular
temporary until permanent access to be done by the vascular
• Follow up end stage renal disease patient during dialysis and
dealing with all complications during dialysis
• Cardio - pulmonary Resuscitation of the arrested cases in the
emergency room or the in-patient cases
• Dealing with other cases as normal labor, minor surgical cases
• Working medical director since the year of 2005 for polyclinic
medical center in Zagazig as well as a doctor of internal
medicine in the same place.
• Ultrasound abdomen, urology, gynecology, obstetric