Hani B Affarah MD , FACP الدكتور
هاني عفاره إستشاري
امراض الكلى
والضغط الجامعة
الأمريكية –
بيروت البورد
الباطنية البورد
الكلى زميل
الأمريكية جبل
عمان –
الخامس مركز
الطبي شارع
ب 830540
عمان 11183الأردن
Jordanian Passport BIRTH DATE:
November 11 , 1951 MARITAL STATUS:
Married, two daughters EDUCATION
High School
; Bachelor in
Science : American Medical Doctor
: American TRAINING
Internship in :
Medical: July 1976 – June 1977 Residency in: Internal
Medicine: July 1977 – June 1979 Fellowship in :
January 1980 – December 1981 Research
January 1982 – December 1982. APPOINTMENTS
Associate in
January 1983 – November 1984 Internist /
Specialist: March, 1985
First Specialist: May, 1987
Consultant: May 1990 Internist /
Consultant: July 1990 – February 1991
Director: March 1991 – July 1993
Hem dialysis Unit Consultant ------ Privet Clinic 1993 till now CERTIFICATES
AND LICENCES Educational
Commission of Foreign Medical Graduates 1976 Visa Qualifying
1978 Lebanese
Medical License
1978 Flex Exam
1982 State of American Board
Certified in Internal Medicine
1984 American Board
Certified in Nephrology
1986 Jordanian Board
Certified in Nephrology
1988 Jordanian
Medical License
Member of
International Society of Nephrology
1987 Member of Fellow of Member of
American Society of Nephrology
1991 Examines In
domain Board of Nephrology 1997 till now ………… PUBLICATIONS Affarah H ,
Salti 1 , Abu Feisal K :
Hypophosphatemia as a po,, cause of acute respiratory failure . Leb Med J
1980 : 31,3:229-34 Fellner S,
Affarah H, wolf C : Acute renal failure and Zoned Arch Intern Med Dec
1981; 141 : 1486 . Affarah H ,
Uthman S : Chronic ulcerative
colitis in Lebanon Proct Gastroenterol & Col Rect Surg ( Accepted for
publication ) Affarah H ,
Mars R , Someren A, Smith H , Heymsfield : Rhabdomyolysis &
Myoglobinuric acute renal failure associated with intravenous vasopressin
infusion . Southern Med J July 1984 ; 77,7: 918 – 21. Bassey E,
Affarah H , Gaffney E, et al : Febrile nodular non- suppurative
panniculitis with immune – complex glomerulonephritis ( Submitted for
publication in Jama ) Affarah H ,
Chawla R, Bleier J, Tuttle EP Jr , Rudman D : The loss of renal enzymes :
A risk for nutritional & metabolic disorders . plenum publishing
Corporation 1985 ; 545 – 57 . Loss of renal
enzymes : A risk factor for malnutrition . Nutr Rev 1983 ; 41 , 11 ; 358
– 60 . Rudman D ,
Affarah H , Tuttle EP , Glenn J , Medical management of the patient with
renal calculi American Urological Association Update Series . Lesson 9 ,
1983 ; 11 Wollam G , Hall
WD , Affarah H , Unger D, Douglas M, bain R: Baseline orthostatic increase
in diastolic blood pressure predicts the response to methyldopa in
hypertensive blacks . ( Submitted to Arch of Int med ) Affarah H ,
Hall WD , Heymsfield S, Kutner M , Wells OJ, Tuttle High carbohydrate diet
Antinatriuretic & blood pressure respond in normal men Am J Clin Nutr
1986 ; 44 : 341 – 8 . El – Lozi M ,
Affarah H , Hadidi M, Dahbour S, Suheimat T : Intravenous use of Labetalol
in haemodialysis and chronic renal insufficiency patients with severe
hypertension . EL-Lozi M,
Affarah H, Kadi H , Suheimat T : Nephrocolic fistula secondary to renal
tuberculosis . Khassawneh S ,
Sharaiha Z , Affarah H , : Treatment of acute duodenal ulcer with
famotidine . An open efficacy & safety study . Modern Med March 1989
;6,3,:92-6. Khasawneh S,
Sharaiha Z,Affarah H : Complete & incomplete healing of duodenal
ulcers with 4- week nocturnal dose of H2- receptor antagonists &
subsequent relapse rate . Suheimat
T,Affarah H: Methanol poisoning due to drinking cologne .Jordan Med J 1990
; 24 : 1 , 109 – 14 . Khasawneh S,
Affarah H , Obeidat W,et al : Treatment & relapse prevention of
duodenal ulcer with nocturnal Ranitidine & Cimetidine . . Khasawneh S,
Affarah H, : Morning versus evening dose : A cooperation of three H2 –
receptor blockers in duodenal ulcer healing Am J Gastroenterol 1992 ;
87:9,1180-2. Hadidi M, Akash
N, Affarah H, et al : Ureterolitiasis in a renal transplant patient
secondary to encrustation about a suture line .( Accepted in Royal Med
Services Journal ) . Khasawneh S
Affarah H , Jarrah B, et al : leiomyoma : A rare cause of upper
gastrointestinal bleeding (Accepted in Jordan Med J ). Aasheh M,
Affarah H, Clinical problem – Solving – Forgotten but not vanishing ,
( Submitted to N Engl J Med ) . Suheimat T ,
Affarah H : A review of glomerular diseases associated with chyluria , To
be Submitted ) . ABSTRACTS &
wollam G : Changes in hematocrit and plasma volume in hypertensive
patients during short – term therapy with centrally acting sympathetic
inhibitors . Presented at
LIoyd Hyde Housestaff Research day .Atlanta . Rudman D ,
Affarah H , Tuttle EP Jr : The loss of renal enzymes : A risk factor for
nutritional and metabolic disorders . Presented at the NIH meeting on
Nutritional therapy in acute renal failure Lubin ML
Affarah H, wollam G, et al : Serum cholesterol & Plasma volume changes
in edematous patients with the diuretic Indapamide Clinical Research 1983
; 31:2,201A. Affarah H,
Tuttle EP Jr , Rudman D, et al : Effect of dietary carbohydrate on sodium
balance . Presented at
LIoyd Hyde Housestaff Research day .Atlanta . Affarah H,
wollm G Hall WD, et al : Baseline orthostatic increase in diastolic
pressure predicts the response to therapy with methyidopa in hypertensive
blacks Presented at the 86 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American
Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics San Antonio Texas March
USA 1985 . Affarah H, Hall
WD Wells J et al : Effect of dietary carbohydrate on pressure in
normotensive males .Clinical Research vol 31,5,1983 . Suheimat T El-Lozi
M Affarah H , Hanania D: Renal transpiantation at Presented at
the 5th Jordanian Medical Conference El- Lozi M
Affarah H , Hadidi M Suheimat T : Intrave Nous
Labetalol in patients with severe hypertension and chronic renal failure
presented at the 5th Jordanian Medical Conference Amman Masri J
Khasawneh S Affarah H Gastric cancer Khasawneh S.
Sharaiha Z, Affarah H, Role of Famotidine and maintenance therapy for
acute duodenal Presented at the 1st Arab African Congress for
gastroenterology and liver Disease Amman Jordan September 1987 . Khasawneh S.
Sharaiha Z, Affarah H : Single nocturnal 4 weeks therapy for acute
duodenal ulcers : A comparative stud of 3 H2 – recepior antagonists . Presented at
the 1st Arab African Congress for gastroenterology and liver
Disease Amman Jordan September 1987 . El- Lozi M
Masri J Kadi H , AL Aun M ,Affarah H , Suheimat T :Renocolicfistula caused
by tuberculous nephritis Presented at the 1st Arab African
Congress for gastroenterology and liver Disease Amman Jordan September
1987 . El- Lozi M ,
Affarah H , Hadidi M : Intravenous Labetatol in hemodialysis versus
chronic renal insufficiency patients with severe h pretension Presented at
Symposium on End Stage Renal Disease and renal Transplanation , Khasawneh S.
Sharaiha Z, Affarah H : Single nocturnal 4 weeks therapy for acute
duodenal ulcers : A comparative stud of 3 H2 – recepior antagonists .the
4th Scientific Congress University of Baghdad – Khasawneh S.
Sharaiha Z, Affarah H : Complete and incomplete healing of duodenal ulcers
with nocturnal dose of H2 – receptor antagonisis and subsequent relapse
rate on no maintenance therapy in Presented at
the 6th Jordanian Medical Congress Obeidat W ,
Hijazeen R . Affarah H , Khasawneh S. Esophago-Duodenoscopy at the Presented at
the 6th Jordanian Medical Congress Affarah H ,
Hadidi M, EL- lozi M , Jitawi S: Tuberculosis in patients with end –
stage renal disease . Presented at
the 1st Pan Arab congress of Nephrology and renal
Transplantation , Suheimat T
Affarah H , Hadid M , EL- lozi M , Hanania D : Medical complications of
live – related renal Transplantation Presented at the 1st pan
Arab Congress of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation , EL- lozi M ,
Affarah H , Jumean A. Hadidi M : Hemodialysis at the Royal Medical
Services : Socio – economic impact . Presented the 1st Pan
Arab Congress of Nephrology and renal Transplatation , Hadid M ,
Affarah H , Shafakoj M , et al : Calcium requirements in hemodialysis
patients following parathyroidectomy for renal osteodystrophy . Presented at
the 1st Pan Arab Conngress of Nephrology and renal
transplantation Khasawneh S.
Affarah H , Incomplete healing : Arisk factor for duodenal ulcer relapse
Presented at the 25th Pan Arab Medical Conference , Masri J .
Khasawneh S. Affarah H: the features of gastric carcinoma in Presented at
the 1st Cancer Conference Khasawneh S.
Affarah H, Obeidat W , Hijazeen R: A 3- years experience in upper endocopy
at Presented at
the 6th Syrian Gastroenterology
Conference Khasawneh S.
Affarah H, Majali S, et al : Leiomyoma : A rare cause upper
gastrointestinal bleeding . Presented at
the 17th Jordanian Surgical Union , Khasawneh S.
Affarah H, Treatment and relapse prophylaxis of duodenal ulcer with
nocturnal Ran dine and Cimedion Presented at
the 2nd Arab – African Scientific and Annual General Meeting
, Al – AWWA 1 ,
Affarah H , Hadid M, EL- Lozi
M, the Spectrum of
tuberculosis in patients with end – stage renal disease . Presented at
the 26th Pan Arab Medical Conference and the 7th
Jordanian Medical Congress Hadid M , AL
Awwa 1 Affarah H, EL- Lozi M , Hanania D : Renal transplantation 1983 –
1989 : A review of medical complications . Presented at
the 26th Pan Arab Medical Conference and the 7th
Jordanian Medical Congress , Harfoushi K ,
Obeadat W, Affarah H , Khasawneh S.Duodenal ulcer healing and relapse with
nocturnal Ranitidine and Cimetidine . Presented at
the 26th Pan Arab Medical Conference and the 7th 7th
Jordanian Medical Congress , Obeidat W,
Harfoushi K , Khasawneh S. Affarah H : Sucralfate in acute healing of
duodenal ulcer . Presented at
the 26th Pan Arab Medical Conference and the 7th 7th
Jordanian Medical Congress , Khasawneh
S.Obeidat W, , Harfoushi K, Affarah H : Effect of clearance of
campylobacter pylori on duodenal ulcer. Presented at
the 26th Pan Arab Medical Conference and the 7th 7th
Jordanian Medical Congress , Khasawneh S.,
Affarah H : Campylobacter pylori and acute duodenal ulcer . healing
Presented at the Word Congress of Gastroenterology Digestive Endoscopy ,
and Colo – Proctology , Khasawneh S. Affarah H : Efficacy of short – term Sucralfate therapy of duodenal ulcers.