Name: Faten Mohammad Tamim Mohammad
Nationality: Jordanian
Status: married with 3 children
Permanent residency: Jordan
Knowledgeable of survey implementation, data
analysis techniques and research writing skills
Knowledgeable of policy planning & development
Excellent written & oral communication skills
Excellent in collaboration, coordination, team
motivation, interpersonal interaction & ability to delegate and
foster a cooperative work environment
Flexible and able to manage multiple tasks
simultaneously within priorities
Effective leadership, problem solving skills, and
ability to make effective decisions & judgments
Highly skilled in using various media for
information dissemination on a widespread basis.
Self-motivated, detail-oriented, accurate &
Able to work without constant supervision
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, PhD candidate
in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, enrolled in 2011/2012.
Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid,
Jordan, MSc in Public Health-Maternal & Child health, August
Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid,
Jordan, B.Sc. in Midwifery, May, 2004.
Irbid College of Nursing & Midwifery, Irbid,
Jordan, Diploma in Midwifery, December, 1990.
Lactation Consultant at Gardens Hospital/ private
clinic, January, 2015
Lactation Consultant at Al-Istishari Hospital,
April to October, 2014
Medical educator & coordinator at governmental
hospital, Ministry of Health, Jordan, 2003-2007
Nurse-Midwives supervisor in a General Health
Directorate, Ministry of Health, Jordan; responsible for 3
hospitals, 36 primary health centers & 50 clinics distributed
throughout the governorate, 1998-2003
Charge nurse-midwife of a primary health care
center offering maternal and children care & immunization
programs, 1995-1998
Senior nurse-midwife in emergency, medical,
surgical, neonatal, labor & delivery units in a governmental
hospital, experienced working under work pressure, 1991-1995
Administrative experiences including field
supervision, policy planning & development in addition to
integrated monitoring and evaluation of the primary & secondary
health care facilities along with providing technical and
educational assistance as needed, preparing statistical reports
on the status of maternal and child health care that are
provided within the health facilities, Al-Mafraq, Jordan,
Upgrading of 1st and 2nd
health care facilities to the accreditation as a baby friendly
health facilities through supporting breastfeeding practices and
management by educating, training and encouraging the health
workers to support women and their families, Al-Mafraq, Jordan,
A trainer and coordinator of breastfeeding
counseling & management program as well as in Baby Friendly
Hospital initiation program at gov. hospital holding on its
promotion to a Baby Friendly Hospital accreditation from UNICEF
and MOH, Al-Mafraq, Jordan, 2003-2007
Infection control and medical waste management &
biosafety team member & trainer in operation, surgical,
obstetric & intensive care units, governmental hospital, Jordan,
Quality control team member & trainer in the Gynae
& Pediatric governmental hospital, Jordan, 2003-2007
Training course of undergraduate Midwifery
students of Jordan University of Science & Technology; at
obstetric & gynecology units, 2006
Performed an observational prospective study
titled by “A comparison between the effects of different
patterns of maternal nutrition during labor on labor and birth
outcomes” for master degree thesis, 2008.
Participated in data collection from school
students for a study titled by "Smoking among adolescents"
performed by Jordan University of Science & Technology, 2008.
Participated in a randomized clinical trial study
titled by "Maternal Nutrition during Labor", accepted for
publishing at Jordan Medical Journal, 2007.
Assisted in pediatric medical research, "Foreign
Body Aspiration", performed in collaboration with Jordan
University of Science & Technology, 2005.
Assisted in data entry using epi-info software of
a study titled by "top ten diseases in MOH hospitals in Jordan"
performed by CDC in collaboration with MOH, 2003.
Developed educational brochure representing
different health issues according to patient educational need's
Education programs achieved as a CME programs;
Immunization & related diseases, Contraceptives & Contraception,
Parental Education, Breastfeeding counseling & management,
Family planning counseling & management, infant & child health,
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Basic Life Support), Perinatal
Asphyxia, Emergency Drugs Administration, Medical Records &
Nursing Documentation, Infection Control, Waste Management,
Infectious Diseases & Isolation Precautions, Pre-Post Operative
Care, Communication Skills and Orientation Program for new
Certifications and Qualifications:
Design and evaluation of innovation policy in
developing countries, COMSTECH, Pakistan
Technology transfer policy for developing
countries, COMSTECH, Pakistan
Laboratories Bio-safety & Containment Facilities,
COMSTECH, Pakistan
Quality assurance in health care, PDC, National
University of Science & Technology, Pakistan
Nursing Management, Jordan
Quality Assurance, USAID, Jordan
Training of Trainers in Training Methodologies &
Adult Learning, USAID & Linkages, Jordan
CPR (BLS & ACLS) , Jordan
Counseling For Reproductive Health, USAID, Jordan
Attendance to International Nursing Conference,
Medical Waste Management, Biosafety & Infection
Control, Jordan
Training of Trainers in Breast Feeding & LAM,
USAID & Linkages, Jordan
Supervisor's Training for Contraceptive Logistic
System, USAID
Parenting Awareness Program, USAID, Jordan
Contraceptive Logistic System, USAID, Jordan
Computer skills:
PC applications including: Microsoft office programs (word,
excel, power point), & internet use. Good in data analysis,
software applications, SPSS, Epi info & Epicalc.
Arabic: excellent speaking, reading & writing
English: excellent conversational, reading & writing