Abdulnasser Khalaf
My Live Clinic FREE Here
General, laparoscopic and gastrointestinal
surgery and surgical oncology
P. O. Box 4784
Amman 11953, Jordan
(962) 79 5108628

2008 Examination and qualification as a GI Surgeon
2005 Examination and qualifications in subspecialty
Surgical Intensive Care
1999 Recognition as a specialist surgeon ("Facharzt fόr
1990 American examination for medical doctors (FMGEMS);studies
receipt of ECFMG Certificate
1989 Medical doctor's degree ("Dr. med.")
1987 Final medical examination
1986-1987 One Year Internship "Praktisches Jahr" at the "Stδdtische
Krankenanstalten" hospital, Villingen, Germany
Oct. 2008 - Consultant Surgical Oncology and Surgical
Intensive Care in the Department
May 2012 of Surgery, King Hussein Cancer Centre, Amman,
o Perform all oncological gastro-intestinal surgical
procedures both in open and laparoscopic technique,
including colorectal
o Perform all oncological breast cancer surgery
2005 - 2008 Consultant surgeon (Oberarzt) and head of
interdisciplinary surgical intermediate care unit (IMC) at
the "Staedtisches Klinikum" of Wiesbaden, Germany (a
teaching hospital; one of the biggest centres of oncology in
Germany; see www.hsk-wiesbaden.de)
2001 2008 Specialist surgeon at the Dept. of General and
Gastro-intestinal Surgery at the "Staedtisches Klinikum" of
Wiesbaden, Germany
o Subspecialty training program in
gastro-intestinal/oncologic surgery (completed May 2007)
1993 - 2001 General surgeon at the Department of General
Surgery, University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany
o Specialty training program in general surgery
o Training at the Thoracic Surgery Department (6 months)
o Training at the Vascular Surgery Department (12 months)
o Training in Surgical Intensive Care (3 years)
1987- 1992 Research fellow at the Department of Diabetes
and Endocrinology, University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany
o Clinical and immunological research work in the fields of
diabetes, allergy and metabolism (see list of publications)
1989 Silvia King Award for outstanding theses
Personal Information
Date and place of birth: Sept. 22nd, 1961 / Baghdad (Iraq)
Nationality: Jordanian
Knowledge of languages: Arabic (native language), English
(excellent knowledge), German (excellent knowledge)

