Dr. Manal Kassab
(RN (NICU), MSN (Pediatric), PhD)
Assistant Professor Maternal & Child Health
Department/Faculty of Nursing
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST).
Associate (Clinical Fellow)
in Nursing at University of Technology, Sydney
Acting Representative Irbid Pain Chapter/ JPS & Member
International Associations of Study of Pain (IASP)
Wafa Karadsheh
Head Nurse - Neurology and Nephrology pediatric unit
Ghofran Bakarwha
Rn. Operation room nurse home nursing care nurse. PhD.
Daad Michael Musa AlMadanat
Paediatrics RN (M/S &Neonate)
RMS /Al Hussein Medical Center.
School Nurse at IAA, International Amman Academy
Reema Michael
Odeh Alghishan
Diploma in
Diploma in
Jihad said khaill abu’aus
Bachelor Degree in nursing
Adnan Al Shayeb
Master of Nursing in Clinical
Practice (major in Pediatrics) from University
of Technology, Sydney (UTS) - Sydney-Australia.
Graduated July 2005. three research subjects
were undertaken in this degree
Dana Hafez
Fatima Ibrahim Khalil Ajlouni
Master degree in
Nursing Education
Faculty of nursing University of
Jordan 1995
High Diploma degree /American
Institute for Specialized Nursing Tutors (
teaching methods and primary health care
–Ministry of Health – Amman / Jordan 1989 .
BS degree in Nursing -– University of
Jordan 1985