Academic Degrees:
PhD. Rehabilitation Sciences; Graduate School of Health
Science, Kobe University (2015)
MSc. Rehabilitation Sciences; Graduate School of Health
Science, Kobe University (2012)
BSc. Physical Therapy; Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences,
Jordan University (2005)
Research areas of interest:
Exercise physiology, Cancer rehabilitation, and muscle
physiology in rehabilitation.
Current Research Projects:
1. Physical Therapy Practice in Intensive Care Units in
Jordanian Hospitals.
2. Quality of Life in Jordanian Adolescent Cancer patients
Undergoing Active Treatment.
In collaboration with King Hussein Cancer Center. Ongoing
3. Establishment of Clinical Rehabilitation Sciences Master’s
Program in Jordan.
Erasmus+ funded project in collaboration with Jordan University
of Science and
Technology. Ongoing project.
Main role: Hashemite University contact person and team
4. Effects of Preconditioning Exercises on Skeletal Muscle’s
Oxidative Capacity of Acute
Septic Mice.
Academic Experience:
February 2017 – Present: Assistant professor, Department of
Physical and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health
Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan
May 2015 – January 2017: Full-Time Lecturer, Department of
Physical and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health
Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan
Teaching Assistant (Academic semesters: 2011 - 2014) for
undergraduate subjects
of Rehabilitation Sciences in The Graduate School of Health
Sciences at Kobe
University. My duty was to assist professors in supervising and
conducting the
practical part of subjects. Subjects included Anatomy,
Kinesiology, and Quality
of Life Research.
Graduate Students Tutoring:
1- Hala Zeidan-Safadai, MSc. Student (April, 2014-March, 2015)
2- Mohammad Qatamesh, PT, MSc. (April, 2011-March, 2014)
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Kanazashi M, Okumura Y,
Al-Nassan S,
Murakami S, Kondo H, Nagatomo F,
Fujita N, Ishihara A, Roy RR, Fujino H. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2013
207(2):405-15. Protective effects of astaxanthin on capillary
regression in
atrophied soleus muscle of rats.
Al-Nassan S,
Fujita N, Kondo H, Murakami S, Fujino H. Acta Histochem
Cytochem. 2012 Dec 26;45(6):343-9. Chronic exercise training
TNF- α and Atrogin-1/MAFbx in mouse gastrocnemius muscle atrophy
by hind limb unloading.
Professional Presentations:
Skeletal Muscle Adaptations in Microgravity Environments.
Presentation at the
conference for rehabilitation sciences in Jordanian
universities, November,
Poster Presentation. Japanese Physical Therapy Association
Conference, May 2012, Kobe-Japan.
Poster presentation, World Confederation of Physical Therapy
Congress, June
2011, Amsterdam-Netherlands.
“Cachexia and The Role of Rehabilitation Exercises”. Lecture for
Sciences graduate students, Kobe University, September 2014,
“Physical Therapy: An Expanding Profession”. Lecture for
Physical Therapy
undergrad students, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences,
University of Jordan,
April 2012, Amman-Jordan.
“Safety in lifting and handling patients”. Educational lecture
for newly employed
nursing staff at King Hussein Cancer Center, 2007-2008,
Work Experience:
December 2012 – February 2015:
Part-time Rehabilitation
assistant – Priere Rehabilitation and Day-care Center (介護老人
保健施設 プリエール),
Kobe- Japan
August 2007 – March 2009:
Physiotherapist – King Hussein
Cancer Center, Amman-Jordan.
June 2007– August 2007:
Physiotherapist – Med-Care
physiotherapy clinic, Amman-Jordan.
November 2006 – May 2007:
Physiotherapy volunteer in the
Jordanian society of multiple sclerosis, Amman-Jordan.
December 2005 – May 2006:
Physiotherapy trainee at Al -Isra’a
Hospital – Physical Therapy Department, Amman-Jordan.
July 2005 – September 2005:
Physiotherapy Trainee-King
Hussein Cancer Center – Rehabilitation Unit, Amman-Jordan
Professional Society Memberships and activities:
Jordanian Physiotherapy Society: active member since 2006
President of the Jordanian Physiotherapy Society since May, 2016
Honors and Awards:
Enhancement of Physiotherapy Services In Conflict Affected
Areas: A project
funded by the USAID in collaboration with Al-Hussein Society.
Representative of
The Jordanian Physiotherapy Society. (2016~2018)
Japanese MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship (2009~2015)
Member of the administrative council of Jordanian Physical
Therapy Society –
Head of the social committee (2008~2009)
Community Service Activities:
Organizer and participant of The Jordanian Physical Therapy
Community Service
Day at Al-Nahda Society for The Handicapped, Irbid-Jordan (2008)
Organizer and participant of The Jordanian Physical Therapy
Community Service
Day at The Community Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped,
Camp-Al-Zarqa-Jordan (2008)
Organizer and participant of The Jordanian Physical Therapy
Community Service
Day at Al-Baqa’a Refugee Camp, Amman-Jordan (2008)
Mother Tongue: Arabic
English: TOEFL
total score of 97/120
Japanese: Very good understanding, good reading, writing, and
References contact information:
1- Prof. Hidemi Fujino:
Department of Rehabilitation
Graduate School of Health Science
Kobe University
Tel: +81 78-796-4542
2- Prof. Akinori Miki
Department of Rehabilitation
Graduate School of Health Science
Kobe University
Tel: +81 78-796-4561
3- Dr. Rei Ono:
Associate Professor, Department of
Community Health Sciences
Graduate School of Health Science
Kobe University
Tel: +81 78-796-4582
4- Dr. Naoto Fujita:
Graduate School of Biomedical and
Health Sciences
Hiroshima University
Tel: +81-82-257-54
5- Muhammed D. Al-Jarrah, PhD
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences,
Associate Professor of Physical
Therapy, Jordan University of Science
and Technology
Tel: + (962-2) 7201000
Fax: + (962-2) 7201087
6- Fuad A. Abdulla, PT, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience and Physical Therapy
College of Applied Medical Sciences
University of Dammam
Saudi Arabia
Mobile: +966 536282162
Office: +966 3 333 1308
Fax: +966 3 333 0225
7- Bara Alsalaheen, PT, PhD
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
University of Michigan-Flint
Address: 4499 Meadows Ave,
Grand Blan, MI, 48439