Dr.Samer Al Ghazawi
Consultant in general surgery, hepato-biliary and pancreatic
liver Transplantation.
Mobile 00962777789490
King Hussein Medical City Amman

Academic qualifications:
Bachelor of medicine and general surgery, (BSc/BA)
Jordanian university of Science and Technology JUST
1994-1999 Five Years Residency program in General
Surgery ,KHMC, Jordan
2001 Jordanian Board in General Surgery.
Jordanian Medical Council .Jordan
2007- 2009 Two Years Training in UK in
HPB, and Liver Transplantation .
2014 Fellowship American Collage Of Surgeon FACS
.First living donor liver transplantation in Jordan
. First cadaveric liver transplantation in Jordan
. First pediatric liver transplantation in Jordan
of responsibility:
Jan-1995 Dec-1999 Resident in General Surgery (Residency
Program) KHMC
Jan-2000 Aug-2001 Senior Resident in General Surgery KHMC
Aug-2001 Aug-2003 Specialist in General Surgery, KHMC
Aug-2003 Jul-2007 Senior Specialist in General Surgery, KHMC
Mar-2007 Jul-2007 Clinical Attachment in HPB unit in Hammersmith
Hospital, Prof. N Habib , London
Aug-2007 Dec-2007 Clinical Attachment in HPB and Liver
Transplantation unit in UCL Hospital ,Prof. J Lerut ,Belgium
Dec-2007 Jan-2009 Clinical Fellow in HPB and Liver Transplant
unit at Royal Free Hospital ,Mr. K Rolles , London ,UK
Jan-2009 current
Consultant in general surgery, hepato-biliary and pancreatic
surgery at King Hussein Medical Center/Royal Medical
Profisional memberships:
Member of the Jordanian Medical Association, 1994
Member of the Jordanian Association of General Surgeons, 2001
Member of Pan Arab Liver Transplantation Society (PALTS), 2006.
Member of International association of surgeon
gastroenterologist and oncologist (IASGO) at King Hussein
medical center/ Royal medical services .
Academic appointments:
Clinical instructor of medical students in faculty of
medicine/Jordanian university of science and Technology/Jordan
Clinical instructor of medical students in faculty of
medicine/Jordan university/Amman, Jordan 2006
Clinical instructor of medical students in faculty of medicine/Muta
university/Karak, Jordan (2009-2010)
Examiner and lecturer of the internship candidates
Jordan Medical Council.
Feb-2001 Is it necessary to perform Appendicectomy in the middle
of the night for children
Jul-2004 screening mammogram in dealing with abnormal
mammogram findings
Aug-2004 final diagnosis by fine-needle aspiration biopsy for
definitive operation in breast cancer
Aug-2004 The Effect of Anesthetic Techniques in Pilonidal
Sinus Surgery
Oct-2004 spontaneous burst umbilical hernia due to
Dec-2004 Fournier’s gangrene how serious.
May-2006 Retrograde Facial Nerve Dissection IN Superficial
Parotidectomy Versus Standard Approach
May-2007 The Accuracy Of Fine Needle Aspiration in the
Assessment of Thyroid Swellings.
Aug-2009 colorectal cancer in Jordan.
Aug 2010 The Prevalence of Diabetic Foot and Its Risk factors
among Jordanian Diabetics.
Jan 2011 The effect of Ilioinguinal nerve block in addition to
local infiltration on pain after inguinal hernia repair in the
March 2011 Percutaneous tracheostomy using fibroptic
Jan 2012 The effect of Transversus abdominis block on decreasing
pain following laparoscopic cholecystectomy in elderly patients.
Jan 2012 Morphine Versus Tramadol for postoperative pain control
after thoracoscopic surgery.
Oral presentation:
Aug-2002 IS it Necessary to perform Appendicectomy in the Middle
of the night for children ,Jordan
Oct-2002 Breast Masses In Adolescent Patients
In Jordan.
Sep-2003 Mines Injuries In KOSOVO
Sep-2003 THE Advantages of local Anesthesia in inguinal hernia.
Sep-2004 AFTER 13 Years From the first laparoscopic
cholecystectomy were are we? Jordan
Oct-2004 Spontaneous burst umbilical hernia due to pregnancy.
Apr-2006 Unusual presentation of primary peritonitis as
pneumoperitoneum. Jordan
May-2007 Breasts Masses in Adolescent patient in
March 2008 Combined kidney and liver in living donor living
transplantation. Jordan
March 2008 Living donor liver transplantation extending donor
criteria. Jordan
April 2010 Living donor liver transplantation, Royal medical
services experience. Jordan
Oct 2010 Surgical management of colorectal liver metastasis.