Arabic Intro. About Medicsindex
East Health Network |
Farah Ishaq Nushaiwat M.D, L.M, D.G.O, MRCOG, FRCOG
Clinical Associate Prof. U.O.J Medical School.
Date of birth : 08-01-1939
Sex : Male.
Marital status: Married. Two children studying in U.S.A, Farah & Omar
Wife : Nevena Nushaiwat, M.D, D.G.O, M.R.C.O.G, FRCOG.
Tel Clinic : 00962 6 464 4244
Tel Res. : 00962 6 567 6222
Fax : 00962 6 567 6222
Address : P.O Box 2229 Amman 11181 Jordan
Medical qualifications:
- Diploma in medicine (M.D) 1964, High Medical Institute Sofia state
- L.M Diploma of Midwifery from Rotunda Hospital 1972 - 1973, Dublin.
- D.G.O Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trinity College Dublin 1972
- M.R.C.O.G February 1978, Royal College of Obst. & Gyn. England.
- F.R.C.O.G Dec. 1989, Royal College of Obst. & Gyn. England.
- JEPICO John Hopkins Hospital. Course in Infertile Couple, U.S.A. 1980.
- Course of Ultrasound Scotland, Queen Charllots Hospital 1981.
- Practical Course of Ultrasound in Rush Green Hospital.
Present Appointment:
- Medical Director Italian Hospital Amman 1999
- General Director of Al-Bashir Hospital and Head of Obst & Gynac Dept. Al Bashir
Hospital (1979 1998).
- Chief of Obst. & Gyn. Specialty Ministry of Health (1980 1999).
- Assistant Undersecretary to middle region MOH (1982 1999).
- Jordan Medical School 1980 Amman, Jordan University.
- Science and Technology University Irbid, Jordan.
- Pre registration Drs.
- Jordan Board OBGYN Jordan Medical Council.
- Arab Board.
Ex- Appointments:
- President of Jordan Medical Council Scientific Committee of Obst. &
- Jordanian Representative to Arab Board of Obst. & Gyn.
- Clinical Associate Professor, Medical School, Jordan University since 1984 until now.
- Chief Physician Al Bashir Hospital 1989.
- Consultant RONCO Projects Director U.S.A. (1989 1990).
- Projects Director to Avsc, U.S.A.
- Member in the National Population Committee.
- President of National Safe Motherhood Committee.
Social Activity:
President of Friends of Kidney Patients Society.
Previous Experience:
Medical Officer Grade "A" UNRWA 1965 1972
Medical Officer J / Luebdeh Polyclinic in charge of Maternal and Children Care and
Diabetic Clinic.
In charge of Al Hussein Polyclinic
Rehydration Center
School Health.
Ahli Hospital Amman:
Gynaecological, Obstetric and General Surgery / Senior House Officer 1970 1972.
Part time from 2:00p.m to 8:00a.m, 7 days a week.
1- Harold Wood Hospital, Obst. & Gyn. Dept.
Senior House Officer, April 1973 Sept. 1975.
2- Rush Green Hospital, Obst. & Gyn. Dept.
Registrar in Obst. & Gyn. Dept. Oct. 1975 Sept. 1977.
Lecturer in the Royal College of Nurses, U.K. 1975 1977.
3- Harold Wood Hospital, Obst. & Gyn. Dept. Registrar from 1977 1978.
- Clamping of Aorta at different levels, in vascular surgery, 1962 Sofia.
- The use of oral prostaglandin in induction of Labour 1976 (not published).
- Prenatal Mortality in Al Bashir Hospital 3rd Jordanian conference.
- Causes of P.N.M. in Al Bashir Hospital 1983 3rd Jordanian conference.
- Malakaplakia of the vulva 1985 British J. Obst. & Gyn. 1985 vol. 5.
- Low birth weight W.H.O. Conference in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh 1985.
- High Risk pregnancy in Al Bashir Hospital, 1988 presented to the 1st Obst.
& Gyn. Conference 1989.
- Ultrasound Detection of Intrauterine fetal congenital abnormality 1989.
- Population and safe Motherhood. "Study of the mother and child health in
Jordan" 1989.
- Study of the mother and child health in Jordan current situation and future needs 1991
with U.N.
- "Safe and Motherhood" and Family planning 1992 1993.
- Low birth weight national study MOH & Unicef 1992.
- Population and health in Jordan 1992 1993.
- National Maternal Mortality Study with J. Hopkins Med. School 1996.
- Member of National Population Committee.
- National Population strategy 1994 Approved by the government as a national policy
Edition, Co-Edition & Books:
- Coeditor Primary Health Care Book 1984, Ministry of Health.
- Coeditor Drugs used in primary health centers book, 1988 Ministry of
- Post natal care "Mother & Child" Author Booklet 1985, Security Forces
Hospital Saudi Arabia.
- Essential Drugs use in Medical Centers 1998.
Special Interests:
- Uro-genital operations (fistula, stress operations, sling operation).
- Infertility Tuboplasty.
- Mother & Child Care safe motherhood planning, training & future
- Ultrasound Detection of Congenital abnormalities.