Personal Information Date of Birth : May 25th 1946 (Mafraq / Jordan)
Nationality : Jordanian
Rank : Rt. Maj. General
Marital Status : Married
Home Address: P.O. Box 831417 Amman 11183 Jordan
Tel: +962 6 516 4000
Mobile 079
562 12 12 - 077
900 900 1
Office Address: Tel: +962 6 461 2300
Fax: +962 6 465 1200
E-mail :
University Education
1963 - 1969 Faculty of Dentistry
University of Istanbul/Turke
1975 - 1977 Eastman Dental Hospital
London University/London England
1981 - 1983 State University of New York
at Buffalo, USA.
1969 Bachelor of Dental Science
University of Istanbul/Turkey
1976 Master of Dental Science
London University-England
1983 Certificate of Proficiency in
"Removable Prosthodontics"
State Uni. of N.Y at Buffalo.
Buffalo - USA.
Higher Clinical Training
Sept. 1976 - 1977 Course in sectional partial dentures 3 months'.
Eastman Dental Hospital /London-England
1981 - 1983 Courses in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
Mar. 1982 Technique course in modular dentures-
San-Antonio-Texas USA.
April 1982 Course in temporo-mandibular Joint
and somatoginathic system dysfuction
Dec. 1982 Course in Endodontics in General
practice by De. Leif Tronstad
Buffalo, New York, USA.
April 1983 Course in full crown preparation
and temporization.
Dr. M. Fagin, Centre of Tomorrow
Buffalo, N.Y. USA.
Feb. 1985 Course in Dental Implant
Dr. J. Tattom
Yarmouk University – Jordan.
April 1992 Dental implants Theory & Technique
Dr. R. Nahas
University of Jordan.
July 1994 Basic Training Course
Osseointegration / Branemark System
Beirut / Lebanon.
Oct. 1994 Health-care Quality Awareness workshop
Royal Medical Services
Amman – Jordan.
August 1995 1st workshop of osseointegration
King Hussein Medical Center
Amman – Jordan.
Employment and Experience:
1969 - 1973 Dental officer in the Royal Medical Services
Jordan Armed Forces.
Amman – Jordan.
1973 - 1975 Resident, Prosthodontic Department
King Hussein Medical Centre
Amman – Jordan.
1975 - 1977 Post Graduate Student
Eastman Dental Hospital
University of London
London – England.
1977 - 1978 Chairman of Dental Department
Irbid Military Hospital
Irbid – Jordan.
1978 - 1980 Commander of Medical Field Battalion
Jordan Armed Forces
Amman - Jordan
1980 - 1981 Specialist in Prosthodontics
Zarka Military Hospital
Zarka - Jordan.
1981 - 1983 Advanced Post Graduate Dental Course
(Prosthodontics) State University of
New York at Buffalo-
Buffalo - USA.
1982 - 1983 Assistant Professor of removable
Prosthodontics at State University of
NY, Buffalo
Buffalo - USA.
I 984 - 1985 Senior Specialist of Prosthodontics
King Hussein, Medical Centre
Amman - Jordan
1985 - 1987 Head of Dental Department and
Senior Specialist at Amman Military Hospital
Amman - Jordan
1986 - Present Consultant of Prosthodontics
Oct. At King Hussein Medical Centre
Amman - Jordan
1986 - Present Part Time Lecturer
University of Jordan
Amman - Jordan
1987 - 1988 Director of Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein Hospital
Karak - Jordan
1988 - 1992 Chairman 0f Military Commission
Dec. Arab Dental Federation
Baghdad - Iraq
1988 - 1989 Chief of Dental Corps
Aug. Jordan Armed Forces
Amman - Jordan
1989 - 1991 Director of Queen Alia Hospital
Nov. Amman - Jordan
1990 - 1999 Director of Dental Services
Dec. Royal Medical Services
Amman - Jordan
1999 - 1999 Director of King Hussein Hospital
April - Oct. Amman - Jordan
1999 - 2000 General Director of King Hussein Medical Centre
Oct. - May Amman - Jordan
May – 2000 Senior Consultant / Prosthodontist
Private Clinic and Part time Lecturer
At University of Jordan
- 1983 Certificate of Proficiency in Removable
Prosthodontics, State University of NY
at Buffalo - USA.
- 1983 Associate Member of The American College of Prosthodontists.
- 1985 Fellow of The International College of Prosthodontist.
Professional Organizations:
1969 Member of Jordan Dental Association
1978 Member of The Federation Dentaire International (F. D. I.)
1983 Member of The American College of Prosthodontists
1984 Member and Chairman of the Jordan Prosthodontics Society
1985 Member of the International College of Prosthodontists.
1988 Chairman of Military Commission of Arab Dental Association.
1991 - 1997 Consultant of The Military Commission of
The Federation Dentaire International (F. D. I.)
1998 – 2000 Chairman of the Jordanian Prosthodontic Society.
Honors and Awards
1. 1967 - 1971 Service insignia 1973
2. The Silver jubilee medal 1977
3. Administrative and Technical proficiency insignia 1979
4. The order of Merit 1981
5. The long service and good conduct medal 1986
6. Training proficiency insignia 1987
7. Consensus and medal 1987
8. Jordanian Istiklal medal of the 2nd order 1988
9. Leadership proficiency insignia 1990
10. Jordanian Kawkab medal of the 2nd order 1992
11. Al-Estiklak Medal 1995
12. Al-Nahda Medal 1997
13. Al-Hussien Medal 1998
for distinguished performance
1. Dr. Yasin Husban
"The use of the microvalves for the treatment of patients who gag with
complete dentures".
J. JOR. Dental Ass., 4 No.2, OCT. 1984, PP 113 - 118.
2. Dr. Yasin Husban
"Subperiosteal implants review of literature. (part I)".
J. JOR. Dental Ass., Vol. 5 No.1, April 1985. PP 5 - 12.
3. Dr. Yasin Husban
"Subperiosteal implants review of literature. (part II)".
J. JOR. Dental Ass.,, Vol. 5 No. 2. November 1985 PP. 100- 105.
4 Dr. Yasin Husban, Dr. Emad Hanbali
J JOR. Dental Ass., Vol. 6 No. 1., Oct. 1986. PP. 46 - 54
5. Dr. Yasin Husban
"Prosthodontic management of gagging problem using the microvalve".
The 74th annual world dental congress, 09-15 Nov.1986,
Manila, Philippines. pp.103-104. "Abstract"
6. Dr. Yasin Husban
"An approach to restore partially missing teeth"
2nd meeting international college of prosthodontists
Sep. 17-19 1987, Interlanken, Switzerland (Abstract).
7. Dr. Yasin Husban
"Prosthodontic management of gagging problem using the microvalve".
Iraqi Dental Magaz. (Special Issue) Oct. 1989
Baghdad - Iraq
8. Dr. Yasin Husban & Sami Jebril
A method of measuring denture retention in vivo Journal of the
medical services., Vol. 50 No, 2 Dec. 1998.
"Sectional Partial Dentures"
Jordanian Dental Association
Amman - Jordan 1978
"The Effect on the Microvalve on Retention of Upper Dentures"
The First Scientific Day.
Jordanian Dental Association
Amman - Jordan 1978.
"Partial Dentures" two parts
International Dental Congress in the Middle East
Damascus - Syria 1979.
"Treatment of some Difficult Prosthodontic problems in Dental
Jordanian Dental Association
Amman - Jordan 1980
"An overview of Removable Partial Dentures".
Zarka Military hospital
Zarka - Jordan 1980
"Immediate Replacement of Complete Dentures"
Jordanian Dental Association
Amman - Jordan 1981
"New Approach to overcome Clasping Anterior Teeth 'by Z. A.
Jordan Dental Association
Amman - Jordan 1981
"Treatment of some Difficult Prosthodontic problems in Dental
Irbid Dental Society
Irbid-.Jordan 1981
"Sectional Partial Dentures" (Table Clinic).
Greater Niagara Frontier Dental Meeting/Buffalo, NY
USA. September 23, 1982
"Dentistry in Jordan"
Erie community college. Orchard Park, New York
February 15, 1983 USA.
"An Approach to restore Partially Missing Anterior and Posterior
Given to removable prosthodontic, fixed prosthodontic.
periodontic and oral science departments,
postgraduate students, S. U. N. Y. - Buffalo,
March 15, 1983 USA.
"overdenture therapy".
Jordanian Dental Association Amman.
Amman - Jordan 1983.
"Overdenture therapy"
Irbid Dental Society
Irbid - Jordan 1983
"An overview of Removable Prosthodontics"
First Scientific day/Irbid Dental Society
Irbid - Jordan, February, 17,1984.
"Prosthodontic management of conference - Amman
Amman - Jordan, April 12,13, 1984.
"Precision attachment in Dentistry".
Jordanian Dental Association,
Amman. November, 9, 1984.
"An approach to restore partially missing teeth"
The 13th Annual Arab Dental Conference.
Baghdad - Iraq, November 24, 1984.
"Why Partial dentures".
The first scientific day for fixed and Removable prosthodontis.
Jordanian Dental Association - Amman.
Amman - Jordan, February 8, 1985.
"Immediate Replacement of Natural teeth"
2nd Annual Dental conference
Yarmouk University
Irbid - Jordan, March. 3, 1985.
"Prosthodontic management of gagging reflex"
The third Kuwait Dental Association conference
Kuwait, March 23. 25, 1985
"Tempomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome"
The 4th Jordanian Dental conference.
Amman - Jordan, April 18, 1985.
"An outlook in the treatment of T.M.J dysfunction"
The 5th Jordanian Dental Congress
University of Jordan
Amman - Jordan, 27. 28, March 1986
"Overdenture in general dental practice"
International and the 14th dental congress
Damascus - Syria, 19-25,April 1986
"An approach to restore partially missing teeth'
2nd meeting of international college of prosthodontists.
Iterlaken - Switzerland, 17-19 September 1986
"Construction of complete dentures"
Irbid dental society
Irbid - Jordan, October 1986
"Prosthodontic Management of Gagging Reflex"
74th Annual worked dental congress of the
Manila - Philippines, 9-14 November 1986
"Failures in Removable Partial Dentures"
Jordan Dental Association
Amman - Jordan, 18 February 1987
Exams of the Dental Board "Analysis study"
6th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 16-17 April 1987
"Over Dentures: poster.
15th congress of the Arab Dental
Federation and 7th Jordanian
Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 1-10 April 1988
"Causes of unsuccessful metallic R.P.D."
2nd dental meeting, Syrian Dental Association
Damascus - Syria, 25-27 March 1989
"Prosthodontic Management of Gagging Problem using Microvalve ".
Iraqi Dental Association Congress
Baghdad - Iraq, November 1989
"The role of General Dental Practitioner in Construction of
Partial Denture
Scientific day In Mafrak
Mafrak - Jordan, 21 - September 1990
"The use of natural teeth or remaining roots as support to
10th Jordanian Dental Congress and the scientific days
Jordan University and Technology University.
Amman - Jordan, 15 - 17 April 1992
"Overdunture in General Dental Practice"
17th Arab Dental Association
Baghdad - 1raq, 24-26 October 1992
Sectional partial Denture
Egyptian clinical Dental Society
Cairo - Egypt, March 1996
The Effect of Microvalve on complete denture relation
Second Saudi International Dental Congress
Jeddah - Saudi Arabia, June 1996
Osseointegration in Jordan 2years Study
Second Congress of East meditranian Association
April 1998
Conferences Attended
International Dental Congress and the Arab Dental Surgeons meeting
Cairo University.
Cairo 1974
The 23rd annual conference of the British Society for the
Study of
Prosthetic Dentistry
St. John's College
Cambridge, UK. 1976
International Workshop on Removable Partial Dentures
Cardiff- Wales, UK. 1976
67th Annual World Dental Congress F.D.I.
Madrid - Spain 1978
International Dental Congress
Baghdad - Iraq 1980
Modular Dentures or An Overview of Several Quik Denture
Techniques (Course)
San Antonio, Texas 1982
Semi-annual American Prosthodontic Society Meeting
Chicago Illinois 1982
T.M.J. And somatognathic System Dysfunction (Course)
Toronto, Canada 1982
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Denture Prosthetics
Boston, MA, May 21, 1982
5th Annual Greater Niagara Frontier Dental Meeting
Buffalo, NY. USA, September 23, 1982
Endodontics In General Practice (Course)
Dr. Leif Trontad,
Buffalo. NY. USA, December 3rd 1982.
Full crown Preparations and temporization (Course)
Dr. M. Fagin, Center of Tomorrow
Buffalo, NY. USA, April 28, 1983
Dentures and Overdentures (Course)
Dr. P. Lauciello,
Chautaugua - NY. USA. June 12, 1984
Laser beam in Dentistry
Dr. Bendishant
Jordan University, Amman - Jordan, September 2, 1984
The First Scientific meeting for Royal Medical Services & Buffalo
King Hussein Medical Center
Amman - Jordan, October 10, 1984
The 13th Annual Arab Dental conference
Baghdad - Iraq, November 24, 1984
Dental Implant (Course)
Dr. J. Tattom
Yarmouk University
Irbid - Jordan, Feb, 23, 25, 26, 1985
The third Kuwait Dental
Association Conference
Kuwait, March, 23, 25, 1985
The 4th Jordanian Dental Conference
Amman - Jordan, April 18-19, 1985
The 5th Jordanian Dental Conference
Amman - Jordan, 27-28 March 1986
The International and the 14th Dental Congress of Arab
Dental Federation
Damascus - Syria, 19 - 24 April 1986
The 2nd Dental Meeting
Irbid Dental Society
Irbid - Jordan, Oct. 1986
74th Annual World Dental Congress of the F.D.I.
Manila - Philippines, 9-14 Nov.1986
The 6th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 16-17 April 1987
The 2nd Meeting of the International College of
Interlaken, Switzerland, 17-19 Sep. 1987
The Regional Conference for Medical Education
Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Amman - Jordan, 14-l7 Feb. 1988
The 7th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 6 - 10 April 1988
American Dental Association and F.D.I. Joint Meeting
Washington, D.C. - USA. October 8 - 14 1988
The 2nd Syrian Dental Meeting
Damascus - Syria, 25-27 March 1989
The 2nd Arab Military Congress for Medical Services
Amman - Jordan, 20 - 24 May 1989
The 9th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 7-9 March 1990
The 79th Annual World Dental Congress F.D.I.
Milan - Italy, 8 - 12 Oct. 1991
The 10th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 15 - 17 April 1992
Dental Implants Theory and Technique by Dr. Rape'a Nahas
Amman - Jordan, 18 April 1992
Maxillo-Facial Prosthesis by Dr. Dekooman
Amman - Jordan, 20 April 1992
The 3rd Military Dental Congress
Royal Medical Services
Amman - Jordan, 10 - 11 Sept 1992
The 80th Annual World Dental Congress F.D.I.
Berlin. W. Germany, 18-24 Sep. 1992
The 11th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 14-16 April 1993
The 81st Annual World Dental Congress FDI
Goteborg - Sweden, 29th August 2nd September 1993
The 4th Military Dental Congress
Royal Medical Services
Amman - Jordan, 29th September - 1st October 1993
The 12th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 30 March 1st April 1994
The 5th Military Dental Congress
Royal Medical Services
Amman - Jordan, 24th 26th August 1994
The 82nd Annual World Dental Congress FDI
Vancouver - Canada, 2nd - 8th October 1994
The 13th Jordanian Dental Congress
Amman - Jordan, 11 - 14 April 1995
30 years Anniversary
Gothenburg - Sweden, August 17 - 19 - 1995
The 6th Military Dental Congress & the 1st Dental Implant Course
Royal Medical Services
Amman - Jordan, 23rd - 26th August 1995
The 83rd Annual World Dental Congress FDI
Hong Kong, 23rd - 27th October 1995
"Implantology Towards the year 2000"
The 2nd Congress of the Eastern
Mediterranean Association of Osseointegration
Beirut – Lebanon. April 23 – 26 1998
Sixth Saudi Dental Congress
Riyadh – Saudi Arabia. November 1999
* Examiner for the Junior Jordanian Dentists
* Examiner for the Dental Residents at Royal Medical Services
1984 - Present
* Examiner for the Dental Students at University of Jordan
1986 - Present
1976 M.Sc. University of London.
The Effect of the Microvalve and Post-dam on the full upper