• Saeed A. Bata MD. Ophthalmic Surgeon

  • Telephone:     0799300086 (m)   06/5163706 (Res)

  • E-mail:          dr_saeed75@yahoo.com








Name:             Saeed A. Bata


Age :               33 years


Sex :                Male


Date of Birth:  18th of Nov. 1975


Nationality:     Jordanian


Contact           P O Box 730

Address:         Amman ,




Telephone:     0799300086 (m)

                       06/5163706 (h)


E-mail:          dr_saeed75@yahoo.com



1992 – 1993                  High School Certificate

Islamic Scientific College, Amman

                             Awarded medal of excellence (1993)



Professional Qualifications


1993 – 1999         Bachelor degree of Medicine & General surgery M.B.B.Ch

                             Jordan University of Science & Technology

                              (Irbid – Jordan)


2006                     Royal College of Ophthalmologists                    

                              MRCOphth, London


2006                     Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians                     

                             FRCS Ophthalmology, Glasgow


2006                     Fellowship in oculoplastic, Newcastle , UK


Present Appointment


Feb. 07- Present   Ophthalmic Surgeon

                             Eye Specialty Hospital , Amman , Jordan

This is a unique private hospital concerned with providing ophthalmic service.


My job includes doing general ophthalmic service, with a focus on Cataract surgery by Phacoemulsificatio, and covering oculoplastic unit.


This hospital has a busy anterior segment unit, with 3000 catarcat surgery a year, along with my colleague we provide service to those patients by doing 20 phacos a day on average.

Oculoplatic department along with glaucoma department is another section which I soley cover in this hospital, in which we perform all kind of surgeries for a wide spectrum of conditions.


Feb. 03- Jan. 07   Ophthalmology Department

                             James Cook University Hospital , Middlesbrough


This is a busy unit in which we perform almost most of the surgical procedures in ophthalmology and oculoplastics.


With ten consultantns in the department covering all subspecialities in ophthalmology I have the opportunity to rotate amongst their firms, in conjnction with my module subspecilaity training in ocuoloplastics.



The responsibilitie varied from wide exposure of clinical cases including emergenicies, to structured surgical training.


I had a total of seven clinics each week, four general clinics, one diabetic screening and follow ups, and two specialty clinic in oculoplastics.


All clinics had  mixture of new and follow up patients, in addition to  post ops patients in the specialty clinics      (Oculoplastic).


 I had three surgical sessions each week. One catartcat session, one catartcat and oculoplastics and one pure oculoplastics with all complicated, redos, and GA cases.


Other clincical Exposure: weekly reporting session of fundus florosceine angiograms of all the patients in the department and the region, including cases of PDT and Macugen trial cases, In addition to that we had  a weekly teaching sessions, with neuroradiology teaching session bimonthly.


All the duration spent at the hospital, was recognised by      the   royal college of ophthalmologists as a teaching post and recognised for the fellowship exam in ophthalmology



Aug. 02- Feb. 03  House Officer in Surgery

                             James Cook University Hospital , Middlesbrough


This is a busy district university hospital in the north east of England with approximately 1200 beds

The post rotated through the different fields of general  surgery (Upper GIT, Endocrine, Lower GIT , and Vascular.



Previous Appointments


Jan. 02- July 02     Supernumerary Trainee in Ophthalmology

                               North Riding Infirmary, Middlesbrough .


Assisting in clinics and attending theatres, I’ve assisted in a variety of pediatrics and vitreoretinal cases.


Participating in the academic activities and teaching      sessions held in the infirmary e.g. seminars, journal clubs and audits.


Attending regional teaching day every week in Royal  Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle .



Sep. 01 – Dec. 01     Clinical Attachment in Ophthalmology

                                  Kent and Canterbury Hospital , Canterbury .


Covering out patient clinics including new patients,         casualty and follow up cases, as well as attending surgical sessions as an observer.


This has provided the opportunity to experience the    daily routines in the ophthalmic clinical work  in the UK , along with exposure to casualty presentations.



Jul. 00 – Sep. 01       Resident in Ophthalmology

                                Jordan University Hospital

                                  Passed successfully first year.



1999 – 2000         House Officer

                             Jordan University Hospital ( Amman – Jordan )

                             Three months in Internal Medicine

                             Three months in General Surgery

                             Two months in Obs. & Gynae

                             Two months in Pediatric

                             One month in Accident & Emergency

                             One month in Radiology

                             Hospital Beds: 600



Medical Memberships


Registered and Credited by the Jordanian Medical Association

Registered and Credited by the General Medical Council, UK

Registered by the British Medical Association



Professional Memberships    


Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow



Member of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London


Jordanian Board in Ophthalmology , Jordan





A comparison of Infero-nasal and Infero-temporal Sub-Tenon’s Block.

Mr. S. Batta et al.

European Journal of Anesthesiology

Volume 23, 282 – 284


A subjective Assessment of Patients Experience Undergoing Trabeculotomy under Local Anesthesia.

Mr. S Bata et al.

Article submitted and accepted by The Eye Journal


1) Squint Surgery and Nausea and Vomiting.

Looking into sixty children underwent squint correction, trying to establish a relation between the type of the operation, the anesthetic agent and pain killers to the nausea and vomiting pots op.


2) Flurosciene Audits.

Looking at the indication of this diagnostic test, in addition to its false positives and false negatives.



3) Secondary Facial nerve palsy management:

Looking at the best way of treating this condition, medically and surgically. Recommendation to doctors from other departments like ENT on treatment of their patients.


4) Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Audit:

Risk factors for this debilitating condition, management and primary and secondary prevention.









زيادة الإفرازات الدمعية ........

أسبابها وطرق علاجها  



يتم إفراز الدمع عند الإنسان من الغدد الدمعية الموجودة في الجفن العلوي .  حيث تقوم تلك الدموع بتنظيف سطح القرنية وزيادة وضوح الرؤية وبعد ذلك يتم طرح الفائض عن طريق القناة الدمعية  الموجودة في الجفن السفلي لكلتا العينين.


أما أسباب زيادة الإفرازات الدمعية فهي قد تكون :

1-              دموع عاطفية نتيجة إشارات عصبية من الدماغ في حالات الحزن والفرح.

2-              دموع دفاعية في حالة وجود جسم غريب داخل العين أو نتيجة لوجود التهابات على سطح العين.

3-              نقصان في تصريف الدموع نتيجة إغلاق القناة الدمعية أو نتيجة لفشل عمل العضلات المحيطة بالقناة الدمعية بسبب شلل العصب السابع.

4-              أسباب خلفية نتيجة عدم اكتمال نمو القناة الدمعية.


وفي هذا المقال سوف نناقش النقطة الأخيرة كونها الأهم والأخطر:


ينتج إغلاق القناة الدمعية عن عدة أسباب: منها المعروف ومنها الغير معروف . مثل الالتهابات الحادة المتكررة أو المزمنة أو التهاب الجيوب الأنفية وغيرها من تلك الأسباب.


فعند زيارة المريض لطبيب تجميل العيون فإن الطبيب سيقوم بتقييم الحالة بالإضافة إلى فحص كامل لأجزاء العين المختلفة. وتضم حالة القناة الدمعية ومن ثم يقوم بإجراء فحص استكشافي للقناة الدمعية لتحديد مكان الانسداد ، ومن ثم يتم تحديد العلاج الأمثل حسب نوع ومكان الانسداد. إن عمل فحص من قبل أخصائي الأنف والأذن والحنجرة قد يكون مطلوبا أحيانا حيث أن كثير من أمراض الأنف قد تسبب في زيادة الإفرازات الدمعية.


أما أنواع العمليات المتوفرة لهذا النوع من المرض فهي:


1-              زيادة حجم فتحة القناة الدمعية

2-              تعديل موقع فتحة القناة الدمعية

3-              عمل فتحة بديلة للقناة الدمعية عن طريق عظم الأنف ووضع أنبوب مصنوع من مادة السليكون لمدة ثلاثة إلى أربع أشهر.


              الدكتور / سعيد عوني باطا

أخصائي طب وجراحة العيون

أخصائي الجراحة التجميلية للعيون




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