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عيادة الدكتور فراس الحسبان



Consultant Spine-Orthopedic Surgeon






-      JBO (Jordan.), EU.BO (Greece), Spine Fellowship (Germany)

-      Regional Chief of Spine Centers & Fellowships of AO spine Middle East

-      X-Chief of Spine Specialty- Orthopedic Department (Royal Medical Service


-      X-Clinical Professor  (Muaatah University)

-      X-Chief of Academic Division of Professional Directory of education and training (RMS)

-      Consultant Spine-Orthopedic Surgeon





- Name:                               Firas Mohammad Husban



- Date and place of birth:      October 15th 1969, Zarqa-Jordan



- Sex:                                      Male



- Nationality:                          Jordanian



- Marital status:            Married



- Title                                   Orthopedic Surgeon



- Job:                                  Head of Spinal Division, Orthopedic Department, Royal Medical Services.



- Languages:                 English, Greek, German and Arabic



- Address:                           P.O.Box: 996

Amman 11953-Jordan

E-mail: fhusban@yahoo.com



-Telephone:                        +(962) 6 5562962

+(962) 77 466100





-        The general secondary education certificate examination (scientific stream) from the

Ministry of Education, Jordan 1987.

-      MBBS (Bachelor degree of Medicine and General Surgery) from the Faculty of

Medicine, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki - Greece 1995.

-      Bachelor degree of Military Science from the Military College - Thessaloniki - Greece


-      Internship of examination / Jordan Medical Council, 1996.

-      Jordanian Board of Orthopedic Surgery, 2002.

-      European Board of Orthopedics, Germany 2008.

-      Spine Specialty Fellowship, Germany 2008.





-       Clinical Spinal Fellowship (2 years), Karlsbad-Langensteinbach Klinikum, Heidelber

University, Germany 2008.



-       AO Fellowship at the Charite – Campus Virchow, Humboldt Universitatsklinilum in

Berlin, Germany. Under the leadership of Prof. Nobert Haas.



-       AO Trauma and Spine Pediatric Clinical fellowship at the pediatric Orthopedic

Department, University of Basel, Switzerland. Under the leadership of Prof. Frirtz He



-       Tips for Trainers Course, Dubai - United Arab Emirates.



-       Tips for Chairperson Course, Zurich Switzerland.








-        Chief of spine specialty (Jordanian royal Medical Services).



-       Chief of academic division of professional directory of education and training.



-       Clinical Professor Mua’tah University.



-       Educational Officer AOspine Jordan Chapter.



-       International lecturer AOtrauma



-       International lecturer AOspine



-      Regional Officer of Spine Centers & Fellowships of AOspine Middle East



-       Consultant Spine Orthopedic surgeon.





1995-1996:           Internal Medicine at Military Hospital 224 Thessaloniki-Greece.



1996-1997:           Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatric, Gynecology at King

Hussein Medical Center.



1997-2002:           Orthopedic residency program at the Orthopedic Department of Royal

Medical Services- Jordan.



1998:                     Participation in a workshop about functional immobilization of fractur



8-10 May 1999:    Participation in Zimmer Nex Gen R Knee - Jordan workshop.



25-26 June 2000:   attended a course run by Prof. Pierre Lascombes on the CD Horizon



23-29 October 2000:     Attended a course run by Prof. Passuti on the CD Horizon at the

Royal Medical Services, Amman Jordan.



4–5 August 2001Workshop on the next gen lPS Flex Mobile Knee.



1-30 Jun 2002:      Group International Cotrel-Dubbousset (GICD) Fellowship in spine - France.



25 Nov-1 Dec 2002:     Training of trainer’s course in HIV/AIDS peer leadership of the

United Nations, Asmara - Eritrea.



July 2002-Jan 2003:              Orthopedic Surgeon of peace keeping force of the United Nations mission, Ethiopia - Eritrea.



1 July-1 Sep 2003:      Orthopedic Surgeon in the Jordanian Military Mobile Field Hospita the Iraqi war.



19–21 April 2004:      Attended a course run by Prof. Sheinkob.M on the minimal invasive hip arthroplasty at the Royal Medical Services, Amman Jordan.



9-12 Sep 2005:          AOspine Comprehensive spine course from. Dubai-Arab Emirates.



14-28 Sep 2005:          Short term spine fellowship in the Center of Spinal Surgery

Karlsbad-Langensteinbach, Germany (Prof. Harms jurgen).



12 Oct-20Nov 2005:   Orthopedic Surgeon in the releif forces for injuries of the earthquak

Rawala Kot-Pakistan.



1 Jun 2006-1 Jun2008 Long term spine fellowship in the Centre of Spinal Surgery

Karlsbad-Langensteinbach, Heidelberg University, Germany. Unde the leadership of Prof. Harms jurgen.



2-5 Feb 2007:              AO course principles in operative fracture management Amman- Jordan.



9-14 Dec 2007:            AO course Advances in Operative Fracture Management Davos, Switzerland.



12 Nov-31 Jan 2008:   AO Fellowship at the Charite Campus Virchow, Humboldt Universitatsklinilum in Berlin, Germany. Under the leadership of Prof. Nobert Haas.



10 Mar-16 Apr 2008: AO Trauma and Spine Pediatric Clinical fellowship at the pediatric Orthopedic Departmint, University of Basel, Switzerland. Under the leadership of Prof. Frirz Hefti.



15-16 Apr 2008:        Training for Treatment of Thoracic Volume Depletion Deformity

(using VEPTR) In Basel, Switzerland.



July 2009:                   Faculty member of Regional AO Foot and Ankle Course, Amman - Jordan



October 2009:             AOspine Advances Course in Trauma and Degenerative Spine Cair




February 2010:           Faculty member of Principles in Operative Fracture Management fo

Operating Room Personnel, Amman - Jordan.



February 2010:           Faculty member of Principles in Operative Fracture Management fo

Orthopedic Surgeons, Amman Jordan.

April 2010:               AOTauma Tips for Trainers Course, Dubai - United Arab Emirates. October 2010:            Faculty regional of AOTrauma Advances Course, Dubai - United Ar


November 2010:      Tips for Chairperson Course, Zurich Switzerland.



November 2010:      Chairperson of AOSpine Principles Course, Amman Jordan.


November 2010:       Faculty member of First Military course of Basic Principles of Fract management, Amman Jordan.



December 2010:       Faculty member of Combined Symposium of AOTrauma Jordan and

Orthopedic Assoiation , Amman Jordan.

February 2011:         Faculty member of AOTrauma Course- Pediatric, Amman-Jordan. March 2011:              Faculty Regional of AOSpine Masters Course- Cadaver Lab Less

Invasive Techniques in the Treatment of Lumbar Spine, Kuwait – Kuw



October 2011:          Faculty regional of AOSpine Advances Course in Degenerative Spine

Dubai - United Arab Emirates.



November 2011:       Faculty regional of AOSpine Master Symposium Deformity in

Focus, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

February 2012:         Chairman of AOSpine Advances Course in Degenerative Spine, Amman Jordan

October 2012:          Faculty regional of AOSpine Advances Course in cervical Spine, Dub

- United Arab Emirates.



December 2012:      Faculty international f AOSpine Advances Course in deformity Spine, Davos - Switzerland.







1.  Member of Jordanian Greek Alumni society.



2.  Member of Jordanian Medical association.



3.  Member of Group International Cotrel Dubbousset (GICD).


4.  Head of financial committee & executive committee at 1st, 2nd, and 3ed International

Jordanian Greek congress.

6Member of the scientific committee of the 3ed international Jordanian Greek congress.

7.  International member AO Spine.



8.  International member AO Trauma.


9.  Member of the scientific committee of The 3ed International Conference of royal


Medical Services, Amman – Jordan.

10.Head of scientific committee of 2ed annual meeting of Spine Arthroplasty society, D See, Jordan

11. Regional Chief of Spine Centers & Fellowships of AOspine Middle East







Scientific Papers:


1.  Lateral wedge supracondylar humeral osteotomy for treatment of post-traumatic cubitus varus (Presented in 28th  annual National Greek medical conference May 2000 Athens Greece).

2.  Low back pain in pregnancy. (Presented in3rd Jordanian & 2nd Arab Congress in

Physical Medicine, Arthritis & Rehabilitation. Jordan 30 Mar 1st April 2002).

3.  Periradicular nerve root infiltraction in the management of sciatica. (Presented

in the 8th annual medical conference of Eritrean Medical association. in Eritrea Dec


4.  Use of Mecobalamin in the treatment of early carpal tunnel syndrome (published in Medical Journal of Cairo University 22 July 2002).

5.  The effective management of osteomyelitis after grade III open fractures

(published in Medical Journal of Cairo University 29 May 2002).

6.  Clinical Outcome of Laceration of the Hand Using Suturing Versus Conservative Treatment (presented in The 2nd International Jordanian – Greek Medical Congress, Jordan Sep 2003).

7.  Limb Salvage Procedure in Malignant Bone Tumors Using Resection- Shortening-Distraction Technique (published The Journal of the Royal Medical Services Jan 2004, Jordan).

8.  Difficulties Concerning Limb Salvage Procedures for Primary Malignant Bone Tumors in Developing Countries (presented in Greek Army Medical Conference.Nov 2004, Thessaloniki-Greece).

9.  Femoral Head Neck Autograft for Augmentation of Acetabular Dysplasia during Primary Total Hip Replacement (presented in Greek Army Medical Conference.Nov 2004, Thessaloniki-Greece).

10.Difficulties Concerning Limb Salvage Procedure for primary Malignant Bone

Tumors in Developing Countries (published in Pan-Arab Medical Journal Feb


11.Long Term Result of Posterior Correction and Fusion of Scoliosis Using Cotrel Duboussete Instrumentation (Presented in the fourth medical Jordanian-Spanish cogress 31 March 2005.

12.Antibiotics Prophylaxis in Knee Arthroscopy.(Published In Iraqi Journal of

Community Medicine July 2005, Iraq)


13.Review of Malignant and Benign Findings of Compression Vertebral

Fractures.(published in Basrah Journal of Surgery Volume 11, September


14.The Clinical Efficacy of Methylprednisolone Injection in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (Presented in The 3ed  International Conference of royal Medical Services, May 2005 Amman Jordan).

15.Therapeutic Efficacy of Peri-radicular Nerve Root Infiltration for Treatment of Sciatica (Accepted for publishing in The Journal of the Royal Medical Services June 2006).

16.Surgical Treatment of Neck of Femur Fracture Using Regional Anesthesia.

Seventh edition, Jordanian Journal of Anesthesia 2006.









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