Dr. Bassam Badri Khair

 Senior Consultant Pediatric Surgeon

FRCSEd, Board (Gen. & Ped. Surgery)

Specialty Hospital /  Amman / Shmaisani

Office Phone: 00 962 6 5660107

Office Fax: 00 962 6 5660109

Mobile Phone: 00 962 7 95542400

Mail: Zahran 11183 POB 830665 Amman / Jordan

E-mail: bkhair@zain.jo



Personal Information:  


DOB   10/4/1954         Place of Birth: Amman            Nationality: Jordanian


Degrees and Qualifications:

       1.         MB.BCh / Cairo University                                                      1978

       2.         Jordanian Board in General Surgery                                        1985

       3.         FRCSEd Edinburgh / Scotland                                                1988

       4.         Jordanian Board in Pediatric Surgery                                      1995

       5.         Member of British Association of Pediatric Surgery,              BAPS

       6.         Member of Jordanian Association of Pediatric Surgery,         JAPS

       7.         Fellow of the International College of Surgeons in Pediatric Surgery                  FICS  

       8.         Examiner in Pediatric Surgery Committee / JMC                   

       9.         Member of the Committee of Jordanian Association of Pediatric Surgery


Worked in the Royal Medical Services for ( King Hussein Medical Center ) 22 + years

Retired in 2001

Worked as Consultant Pediatric Surgeon in Islamic Hospital of Amman / Jordan for 3 years +


Specialty  interest:

General Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery, Pediatric Urology, Reconstructive Urology, Hypospadiology and Thoracic Surgery


Conferences, Scientific meetings and Presentations:

24 different scientific meetings, local and international.

12 publications in different scientific issues

11 scientific presentations, local and international

7 scientific courses on different subjects
















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